Chapter 71 - Let The Haters Hate

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*Emma's pov*

Double business studies was painful. Well it always is, but even more painful than it usually was. Luckily it moved quite quickly and was able to meet up with Charlotte again. This time I was able to engage in a proper conversation with her as I tried not thinking about what happened last night. I figured the less I thought about it, the less likely I was to blab about it. Does that make sense?

We made our way over to the changing room, as we had P.E. next. I sat down on the bench and pulled out my phone. No texts. No phone calls. Just a few messages from Jade asking if it was true. Someone must have blabbed to the paps. I'd never be able to be famous. I'd be too scared to walk outside. "Em!" Lucy was breathless as she ran into the changing room. A wave of panic rose over me.

"What's wrong? What's happened?" I asked.

"Nothing. Well everything really! They want to wake her up and Rose wants you there." Lucy was so excited bless her. The smile on my lips grew as what she said sunk in. Jess will be more than likely be okay now! Of course there's that chance that she won't be all there any more... Let's not think about that.

"What are we waiting for then?" I asked whilst picking up all my bags.

"Em... I'm confused. What's happening?" Charlotte asked. I took a quick glance at Lucy who was getting very impatient.

"Charl, if I could explain, I would... I'll talk to you later okay?" I promised whilst running out of the gym and to the car park, not giving her a choice.

"What's this?" I asked picking up a parcel addressed to me from the car seat.

"Oh, it came for you yesterday. I forgot to tell you on the way here." Lucy explained. Well thanks for that. I carefully opened the package, unable to work out what it could be. When I saw the small, shiney mirror, the large, square piece of thick paper, and the cardboard CD case my heart dropped. "What is it?" Lucy asked.

"Jess' Alive stuff." My voice cracked. "Mum pre-ordered it before..." Tears flew out of my eyes. The two people that made it possible for me to have this, are either dead or nearly dead. Well Jess is being woken up now...

"Mum!" I called when I saw her at the other end of the corridor fifteen minutes later. I'd managed to compose myself now.

"Em, we were waiting for you. We figured that Jess would want to see you when she woke up." Rose explained.

"Hopefully." I smiled at both her and dad. My new family was going to be okay again. The doctors talked us through what they were going to do with Jess but I didn't understand any of it. I just listened and nodded. The only thing I understood was that after they've done what they're going to do, it could take a while or no time at all for Jess to wake up. I also understood that she may not be the same as before. She lost a lot of blood which meant that there was a major lack of oxygen to her brain at one point, which may have led to brain damage, but they'd only be able to tell if that had happened when she woke up.

I sat on Jess' left side whilst mum and dad sat on her right side. I held her hand gently and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles and the back of her hand. None of us were able to keep a conversation going and after half an hour passed we all have up trying. I was thinking about the last few months. How happy I'd been because of Jess. I can't imagine where I'd be without her. I've been to places I thought I'd never go to because of Jess. I've made memories I thought I'd never have because of Jess and I've had feelings I thought I'd never had because of Jess. My skin tingled whenever it touches hers. My heart pounds whenever she smiles. Butterflies fly around in my stomach whenever she laughs. The feeling of need overwhelms it all. I just need Jess. I need her to be in my arms where I know she's safe. I need to be in hers. I ne- Something squeezed my hand. Jess. I looked down at my hand to see Jess' fingers move. "Jess?" I asked, which gained mum and dad's attention. "She squeezed my hand." I explained. A smile appeared on mums face as I looked up to Jessie's. Her eye's flickered open but she squeezed them tightly shut. "Jess?" I repeated.

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