Chapter 8 - Sleep

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*Emma's pov*

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Rachel screamed at us

"And Rachel." I finished off explaining to Jess about my family and turned back to Rach, "Me and Jess were just out for a walk that's all." Lucy came around the corner and I gave her evils. She said she would cover for us and why is she still here it's a bit late isn't it? It's what 11...?

"It's 11:50 for gods sake! You could have rung!" She calmed down a bit now

"Lucy said she'd tell you." Was all I could say. I couldn't be bothered to have an argument right now. I was too tired. "Jess come with me and we can make you up a bed in the spare room."

"Seriously Em? I was gonna stay in a travel lodge or something." Jess replied shocked. Her face was so cute when she looked shocked. I smiled and looked into her eyes and instantly got lost. Her sea green eyes told a thousand tales...

"I think Jess should stay in a travel lodge. It would be easier." Rach tried to persuade me

"If Lucy's staying then Jess is staying." I stated gesturing to the extra bag in the hall way. I pulled Jess upstairs.

We found a bed sheet, duvet and some pillows and Jess went to her car to get her luggage. We chatted a bit before I said goodnight to Jess and went to bed and went to sleep straight away.

I sat bolt up right when I woke up. It was 1:26 in the morning. I'd had the most horrible dream... My dad was murdering my mum... Again. It was over and over. Then it changed to Elys kicking me in the girls toilets again. She punctured my lungs and I died instantly.

I was sweaty and shaking so I got changed into my other pjs. I was too scared to go back to sleep on my own so I texted Jess to see if she was still awake

'Hey Jess... Are you still awake? :) x'

Almost instantly I got a reply

'Yeah :) xx'

I replied back to her with:

'I had a nightmare... Can I join you? x'

She replied.

'Of course babe :) x'

My thoughts at this text: OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! SHE CALLED ME BABE!!!! I replied:

'Thanks :) i'll be there now x'

I crept out of my room and heard Lucy and Rachel downstairs. I knocked on Jess' door and she told me to come in and shifted over to one side of the bed.

*Jessie's pov*

It didn't take long for us to make up a bed. We chatted about random stuff for a bit until Emma went to bed. I got changed and laid on the bed. I couldn't sleep. I'd had one of the best days ever. I came down to Wales, which is a beautiful place and I really can't wait to move here! And I met Emma, the love of my life, and I know I can't have her now... But I will wait... I'll be patient. I'll have to be. She has to be ready before we start going out. Before we start cuddling in be... *buzz buzz* my phone vibrated. I'd got a text from Emma. I can't believe it was already 1:30.

She asked if she could join me because she has had a nightmare. Of course I said yeah! How could I not? We get to cuddle in bed!

She knocked on my door and I allowed her to come in. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she's been crying. I shifted over to the other side of the bed.

"Hey what's up?" I asked. She got into bed and she just broke down into tears. I pulled her closer to me and she cried into my chest. I will never know how I managed to resist her.

We just stayed there cuddling for a while. Eventually Emma stopped crying and pulled away from me.

"I'm scared Jess."

"Everything's gonna be okay." She shook her head, "why? What did you dream about?"

"My dad was killing my mum... Over and over again... Each time was different..." I gasped

"Em, it wa..." I was going to say it was just a dream but she cut me off

"Then I was back in school... Elys was kicking me again... But this time cos they're already broken she punctured my lungs and I died instantly..." She shuddered and I pulled her in for another hug.

I wasn't sure what to say. I knew I had to say something though... "Are you still going to school tomorrow?" She nodded. She's so brave... After a dream like that?! "Well... If you are put in that situation, which you won't be... There's always Lucy to look after you? She knows about it now so there's no point in hiding it if you are in school... Or you can ring me and I'll be straight there to pick you up."

"Thanks Jess... I can't thank you enough for being here." She sobbed into my chest

"I want to be here. I'm glad I came." I felt Emma smile into my chest, "I wouldn't have met you for a start. I wouldn't have found my new home. The most important thing though... I made you realise that it's okay to cry. It's a part of human nature. You can't live your life pretending to be what your not. That's just wrong."

"You've taught me some of the most important things in life. If I ever meet your parents... Well... I wouldn't be able to thank them enough. Oh fuck..."

"What babe? What's wrong?" I asked panicked

"Do my family know what's happened?"

"I'm not sure... Forget about it for now. You need some sleep. We'll find out in the morning." I smiled, "also on the weekend I'm gonna take you up to Yorkshire. For some family time."

"Oh my god Jess?! Really?"

"Of course it would make you happy." There was no reply and I realised after 5 minutes Emma had fallen asleep, bless her she was so cute when she slept. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep myself.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm proof reading this walking around tescos so yeah but I hope you enjoy it and feedback is always welcome :D x

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