Chapter 9 - 18th July 2013 Morning

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*Emma's pov*

I woke up this morning before my alarm went off so I didn't open my eyes just in case I could go back to sleep. Well I couldn't. I was thinking about my dream too much. It was the best dream ever... I shared a bed with the most beautiful girl in the world: Jessica Ellen Cornish... Most people know her a Jessie J. Nothing happened though we just fell asleep in each other's arms. It was like heaven.

I tried to pull myself into a tighter ball and as my foot was coming up, I could feel it going along a leg but it wasn't mine. I opened my eyes quickly to see why.

Everything that happened yesterday was real!? I couldn't believe it, lying next to me was Jess in all her perfectness. I realised that I was still wrapped up in her arms. I carefully released one of my arms and reached over to get my phone. It was 7:18, I still had 12 minutes before I had to get up. I could hear people moving around downstairs. That's when I remembered that Lucy stayed over with Rachel.

I put my phone back down and just lay there starring at Jessie for a few minutes until her phone vibrated. She sat up immediately and picked it up. I laughed. I couldn't help it she always makes me laugh. Jess groaned.

"Good morning to you too Miss Cornish." I teased

"Morning babe." She smiled. God i love her smile. I will never know how I managed to resist her, she's so beautiful and I'll never get used to her calling me babe. I sat up a bit too quickly and my head started aching and a sharp pain shot across my chest. That brought back memories of the day/night before. Starting with the girls toilet, then the hospital, then my nightmare and then all my crying into Jessie... I winced and all of a sudden Jess was inches away from me.

"Shall I rub your cream on your ribs?" I nodded, I was in too much pain to talk.

As soon as she touched me the pain left and fireworks started going off somewhere in my body. I smiled as she gently massaged my ribs. That's when I looked at them though and I had to use all my will power not to faint. They were all colours of the rainbow. Blue, yellow, red, pink, black and purple.

"I'm the colours of the rainbow, yeah yeah..." I started singing and Jess laughed. God her laugh gives me butterflies....

"So what lessons have you got today?" Jess asked

"Chemistry, German, Physics, P.E., German. Quite a good day actually."

*knock knock*

It was Rachel who came through the door. "I thought I'd find you in here." I blushed

"Good morning." Jess replies politely and Rach smiled.... she still doesn't trust Jess

"Stomp stomp I've arrived to tell you Lucy is going in ten and if your quick she can give you a lift."

"Thanks but I'll be fine walking. Actually I need to speak to Lucy before she goes so if you'll excuse me." I got up, grabbed the cream and my pain killers and went downstairs.

*Jessie's pov*

I didn't get much sleep at all last night. I was too worried about crushing Emma by accident, I'd already punctured her lungs and i didn't plan on doing it again.

After I eventually drifted off to sleep I woke up to my phone vibrating. I groaned, I had missed calls from my parents, my sisters and Claude and I had a million and one twitter notifications.

"Good morning to you too Miss Cornish." Emma laughed

"Morning babe." I smiled... Wait... Did I just call her babe?... Oops that wasn't supposed to come out!

Emma sat up and gasped, I came closer to her, only inches between us and asked her if I should rub her cream in for her.

As I was rubbing her cream on for her, I felt and heard fireworks going off somewhere... I looked up and saw she was smiling, I was so happy. I could really get used to this, massaging her bear body... hold yourself together Jess! I will be patient. Emma looked down and must have seen her ribs. She started singing 'Rainbow' but instead she was saying that she was the colours of the rainbow. I couldn't help but laugh.

I asked Emma about what lessons she had when we were done and Rachel came in. She'd realised who I was with the reference to 'Do it Like a Dude' and now she really doesn't trust me. Oops.

Emma left to speak to Lucy. I have no idea what about though.

"So Jessie J is in the building then?" She asked

"Obviously." I replied not sure where she was going with this

"How long have you really known Emma?"

"Since yesterday." I couldn't look her in the eye and there was an awkward silence for a while...

"Why are you here?" Rachel asked

"I'm here for Emma." I replied

"I think you should leave."

"What!? There's no way I'm doing that!" I said as quietly as possible which wasn't very quiet at all! Everyone knows how loud I am.

"Your just gonna leave anyway." Rachel replied, "you should just go now before you hurt her to much."

"I'm staying. I'm going into the village later to look around the house at the bottom of Trinity View."

"Oh... Okay then." She said and left. How strange... And coming from me that means a lot...

*Lucy's pov*

Rach and I talked for most of the night. She told me about Lawrence. She's been raped and she's not doing anything about it! Jesus! I've been away way too long. I should never have left when I did... Urgh I'm such a twat!

"Hey, I'm gonna leave in ten mins so if Em wants a lift she can have one." I told Rach after we'd had breakfast.

"I'll go and get her... Do you think I went too hard on her last night?"

"I'm not a mother so I have no idea."

"Neither am I... Why didn't she tell me it was Jessie J though?"

"I don't know. She's got a lot of pressure on at school at the moment. Maybe she wanted a break from all the people she new and didn't want anyone bothering her." I suggested but Rachel knew something was up.

"What do you mean, a lot of pressure?" She asked after trying to read me.

"Well she's in year 9 isn't she? So they would have just started their GCSE course. You know what it's like Rach." I made up from the top of my head

"Yeah... I do..." With that Rachel got up and left.

Two minutes later I heard someone walk into the room. I turn round and find Emma. Still in her pajamas. "I take it your not coming with me then?" I joked

"No way, it's way to early. I don't need to leave until quarter past 8, it's only nearly half past 7."

"Good point." I smiled

"Luc, will you do me a favour and look after these for me?" I handed her the cream and pain killers, "I would give them to the nurse, but she'd ask questions..." she trailed off

"Of course I will." I paused thinking about whether I should say what I was going to say

"Go on..." Emma encouraged

"If you ever need anyone to talk to in school... I'm always here." Rachel came into the room

"Thanks Luc." Emma smiled and put four slices of bread in the toaster, "Morning Rach.

"Morning Em... So did you sleep with Jess last night?" Rachel asked

"Urrmm yeah..." Emma blushed. She slept with another bi? I didn't hear anything going on last night. Emma must have seen my face or something. "Nothing happened..." I let out a sigh as Emma gave me evils, "I had a nightmare. Jess makes it better."

"Okay... Why? Could something have happened?" Rach asked... Oh fuck... this could get awkward.

"No it couldn't... Just I know teachers... They're quick to judge." Emma replied. She's a quick thinker I can give her that. I smiled it's true though teacher's can be quick to judge. I know mine were even my professors in uni were.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and feedback would be great :D xx

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