Chapter 7 - Family ties

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*Jessie's pov*

I asked Emma about her ex. She fell for him hard and let all her walls down. I really felt for her. I've been through that exact same experience and what got me through it was my friends but mainly my family. I think at the moment, she feels as if she can't talk to anyone in her family just in case she says the wrong things and she doesn't want to say anything to any of her friends just in case word gets out and she'd be bullied even more.

When Emma said she still loves him though. That hurt. I've known her for not even a day and what? I can't deny it any longer... I'm madly in love with her. I can't ask her to be my girlfriend though. That would look as though I'm a perv. I'll just wait until she wants me.

I pointed out the house I was on about. I told her how it would work out. Claude really needs a break from London and New York. Me moving down here and building a studio in the basement would work well for him and me. Claude works too hard. He doesn't have any holidays. Coming down here will give him a change of scenery, but he would still be working which he would be happy about.

I don't care what my management are gonna say. I want to live down here. It's quieter, more peaceful and not to mention closer to the love of my life. Did I just say that? Oh dear...

Emma brought me back to reality after asking me about my best kiss...

"It was when I was filming DILAD and there was this girl called Kira. She was hot... Her lips were so soft... I remember it as if it was like yesterday. It was actually four years ago." I smiled at the memory of kissing her and then the bad memories came into my mind. I shook them out of my head and asked carefully "Will you talk me through your friends and family?"

"My friendship group at school consist of 5 girls and 2 boys not including me. The girls are Charlotte, Becky, Emily, Georgina and Aleks. It's Polish. Becky's been my best friend since... Well as long as I can remember. I met Charl in year 7 and we've been best friends ever since. The other girls just kinda tagged along. They're not my best mates ever... Actually I don't think Aleks likes me anymore... Oh well that's her problem. The boys are Harrison and Mike. Mike is Charlotte's boyfriend and Harrison you know is my ex." She paused and smiled. I was glad she had so many friends but that Polish girl, Aleks? I don't like her... "I remember when Charl told our English teacher that me and Harri were going out." She continued and laughed to herself, "she said to Charl, 'just because they have the same surname doesn't mean they're going out.' It was so funny."

Her smile faded and it broke my heart... "Me and my parents didn't have a close relationship. I swear I'm closer to you than I ever was to my parents." Wow. I don't even want to think of what would have happened if I didn't have my parents to speak to as a kid, or even now as an adult. To have known her for half a day and to be closer to her than she was to her parents... That blows my mind...I don't know what my face looked like buy she saw me and replied, "you're just so easy to talk to." I blushed, Emma laughed. "My grandparents live in Yorkshire. I've only got my nana and grandma left now though. Leukaemia took my mums dad and my dads dad, I'm not so sure... I was never told." I saw a tear slip down her cheek and felt one slide down mine too. "I'm quite close to what's left of my grandparents but I don't get to see them often because my parents were working and it takes 4 hours to get there. My mum has one brother. Steve. He's in the army. My aunty is called Essie and my cousins are Jack and max. Jack is fourteen and Max is eight." She smiled at the thought. Her smile sent a shiver down my spine. I really do have to get over her though.

"My dad..." Her smile faded and her body shuddered at this word. "He has three brothers. Ian, Keith and Colin. Ian is married to Gill. They have two sons, Zach and Freddie. Zach is 19 and Freddie is 17.

Keith is married to Jackie and Clare and Helen are their kids. Clare has one daughter called Eilidh and is expecting twins.

Colin is married to Barbara and has two daughters, Shelly and Linda. Linda has a son called Luke. He's sweet.

Barbara has two daughters, Sarah and..." She trailed off as she opened the door and a voice came screaming through the house.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry this one is quite short but it felt right to end it here. Thanks for reading and feedback is always appreciated :D x

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