Chapter 16 - Announcements

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*Jessie's pov*

"Oh, I have something for you." I told Emma as I rummaged around in my pocket for the keys. I pulled one of five front door keys off the ring. "Here you go. And Holly is coming round later."

"Jess... You got the house! But why have you given me a key? And do you mean Holly as in massive red hair Holly, Holly as in your best friend Holly, Holly as in isthathollyp Holly?" I couldn't help but laugh. She was sooo excited.

"I'm giving you a key because I give a key to whoever I feel needs a key, to whoever I trust and to whoever I care about, it means my door is always open for a chat if you need one, you just let yourself in and wait for me. What other Holly could there possibly be? She's the only one I've told about moving down here so far apart from you and Rach." I said

"Jess, that's so sweet. Thank you. But you told Rach? Why?" Emma asked

"It's no problem. This morning when you went to speak to Lucy, Rachel told me to leave because I'd eventually leave and end up hurting you. So I told her I was buying the house. She cares for you Em, don't ever push her away." I blinked back the tears. I can't imagine life without Emma any more.

"I won't, I promise. When we go up to Yorkshire on the weekend... Can we take Rach? I think she needs a break from everything. Her ex-boyfriend... He's nasty and I think he's coming to find her. I'm worried about her, she needs help but she's too proud of herself to ask for it. She's always been high maintenance." Emma explained. I could see the worry in her eyes. All this shit is happening to her and she's worrying about her cousin. She's the most caring, bravest, sweetest, cutest, girl I have ever met.

"I understand. Shall we go and tell her?" I asked Emma nodded and got up.

*Rachel's pov*

Emma got home from school at about half four which I thought was strange because school finishes at five past three so why was she home an hour and a half ish later? When she did come in her eyes were puffy and red like she'd been crying, I dismissed it though because it would be about her parent wouldn't it? She went straight upstairs with Jess. I'm starting to trust Jess now, if she really meant what she said this morning about buying the house then Emma will be happy and that's all I want. Lucy came in not long afterwards which I was happy about. She seems to be my only friend at the moment. All my friends from Manchester are married and have kids so they don't have much time for me. Also with Lucy we can just talk about anything and have a full flowing conversation with a few laughs thrown in, no matter what type of mood we're in.

Emma came back down at about 5 and she seemed happier I was glad because I needed to talk to her.

"Hey Em, I need to talk to you." I spoke up just incase she was going out.

"That's good. I need to speak to you too." She smiled, her hands were shaking though. I wonder what she's gonna tell me

"Okay well. I've decided that I'm going to do something about Lawrence, you and Lucy are right. I can't sit my life in fear waiting for him to come and rape me again." Jess tried to hold in her gasp but failed miserably. I sighed, "I'm gonna need your support though and it may take a while to come to anything."

"Of course we'll support you." Emma smiled

"And I will." Jess piped up. She was rather quiet, "Excuse me a minute." Jess got up and left.

*Emma's pov*

To say I was surprised when Jess gave me a key to her house is a bit of an understatement. I know you're probably thinking, it's just a key. This key means so much though. It's almost a key to her life, both personal and professional. Albeit, I was touched when she said she gave it to the people whom she trusted and cared about. I think I actually melted then. I keep finding it harder to suppress my feelings for Jess as time goes on.

Jess left after Rachel's news. It's brilliant news, but I think there is something Jess isn't telling me. I'll ask her later. I was gonna tell Rach about my sexuality, I mean everyone else here knows, but I wanted Jess here. She could help me explain. "Well, I need Jess in here to tell you one of the things I was gonna tell you so I'll tell you the other one."

"Okay, fire ahead." She smiled

"Well, last night when me and Jess were coming back from the hospital..." I started but got interrupted by Rachel

"You were where?" She almost shouted then she turned to Lucy, "You knew about this?"

"She did but I made her swear not to tell you, and I was getting there in a minute when Jess gets back." I paused, "So when me and Jess were coming back from hospital, I was telling her about the family. I went on to explain that I don't get to see them very often because its a four hour drive to Yorkshire and obviously my parents were working. So last night she offered to take me up to see them on the weekend. We wondered if you wanted to come with us?"

"I would love to come Em, but I'm probably gonna be with the police sorting things out. Will you take this up to Nana though? It's her birthday soon." Rachel smiled

"Yeah of course. Remind me to buy a card tomorrow? I'm just going to find Jess. I'll be back in a minute." I think I heard Jess going upstairs so I started there first. She wasn't in the bathroom. She wasn't in my bedroom. She wasn't in Rachel's room so I walked to the spare room and stood outside the closed door. I heard small sobs coming from inside. I knocked on the door and the sobs stopped, I walked into the room and found Jess perched on the end of the bed, wiping away her tears.

"Jess, what's up?" I asked once I had sat next to her so there was no space between us and I wiped away her tears.

"Nothing, everything is fine." Jess lied

"That's the biggest lie I tell everyone too. When Rachel said that to me last night before you got here, I said even when your sober your a crap liar, but I can't say that to you because I know you haven't had a drop of alcohol since October 15th and I've never seen you drunk, so I'm stuck there." Jess smiled, "There is one thing I can tell you though. It's something you've told the whole world." She looked me in the eye as I paused, "tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising, it's okay not to be okay." She blushed and looked away, "Hey, there is another thing actually." She looked up again, but avoiding my eyes, "I'm not going anywhere and you can tell me anything. You know that don't you?" She nodded, "You don't have to tell me now though. When you're ready." She pulled me in for a hug "Ribs!" I had to say before Jess crushed me.

"Sorry." She pulled away quickly

"Will you come back downstairs and help me tell Rachel that I'm bi? I need your support." She smiled and got up. I grabbed her hand and as always the sparks flew from where our skin touched.

We arrived back in the living room where Lucy and Rach had started talking between themselves. Jess sat down first and pulled me onto her lap. "Okay, guys we're ready. I was at hospital yesterday because I got my ribs kicked in by this homophobe called Elys Holcombe. Luc, what's the news on her?" I asked just out of interest.

"She's been suspended, she may even be expelled after today's out burst." She informed us

"That's brilliant. That bitch deserves what she's got." Jess started

"Thanks for your input Jess." I winked at her.

"Sorry... At least you'll be able to get on with your life now."

"Oh I've still got Aleks to deal with yet." I told Jess and she frowned

"Wait a minute, you're being bullied and hospitalised by a homophobe? Why? I don't understand." Rachel asked and I looked at Jess who wrapped her arms around my waist, smiled and nodded, telling me that it was okay.

"Well... How do I tell you? Rach, I'm not... straight." There was silence so I carried on, "Love doesn't choose a boy or a girl. And right now, I'm falling for a girl and I'm falling hard." When I said this I felt Jess' arms tighten around me. If only she new that it was her that I was falling for. I turned to face her and she was holding back tears, I could see it in her eyes.

"So you're a lesbian?" Rachel asked

"No. I'm bisexual." I looked Rachel in the eye to show her that I was being deadly serious.

"Luc, did you already know about this?" Lucy just nodded

"My family are the last people to find out because they were the people I was most scared of telling. I can deal with the bullying, but I can't deal with no family, not that I've got that much left of it anyway." I told Rachel

"So that's why you two panicked when I asked if you and Jess slept together last night?" Rachel asked

"Nothing happened last night I promise." Jess added, she was still too quiet for my liking, but I'm sure Holly will cheer her up.

"You are okay with me now aren't you?" I asked, I kind of didn't want to know, I started shaking I was so nervous. Just waiting for her answer.

"It'll be fine, you've always got me and my family." Jess whispered in my ear and as she did I calmed down but a shiver traveled down my spine, "Did you enjoy that?" She whispered again and sent another shiver down my spine. I felt her smile next to my ear but I ignored her.

"Of course I am! Your my cousin. We're family! Who gives a fuck if you're straight or not!" I could feel the smile spread across my face from ear to ear, I couldn't help it. I was so happy. I got up and hugged Rachel like we were never gonna see each other again. She hugged me back just as hard. You know the term bone crushing hug? Yeah well this is one of them and god did it kill me. I pulled my self out gasping for air as the pain started to leave my chest.

"I'm so sorry Em!" Rachel said straight away

"It's fine honestly, I'm fine." I smiled, I still don't think Jess believed me that much but oh well!

Then there was a knock at the front door...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know this is old news but it's called Alive! Why does everything get announced when I have no Internet? This does get better, I promise! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and feedback is appreciated :D

Emma xx

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