Chapter 48 - Conquer The World

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*Jessie's pov*

After Emma had called the police, I pulled her in for a cuddle. She needed one right now. My t-shirt was once again soaked by the time the banging on the door stopped.

She just cried. That's all Emma did and I couldn't get her to stop. All my attempts to reassure her and calm her just weren't working. A few tears left my eyes, I say a few, a lot and I felt really bad for it. I'm the adult and I'm supposed to be the strong one but it just breaks me to see her like this. I hate the fact that she's been hurt and I hate the people that have done this to her. Emma doesn't deserve any of this shit. "This is t'police! Is there anyone here?" I heard them call.

"Yeah! We're up here!" I called as I picked up Emma to move her away from the door so they could get in. Emma wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist and continued to cry. A minute later they came bursting through the door and Emma flinched in my arms.

"Is everyone okay?" The police officer asked eyeing Emma up.

"I think so. Physically anyway. Mentally, maybe not." I replied.

"Ma'am are you okay?" He asked Muriel, who had been awfully quiet.

"Errrm yes. I'm fine thank you." She replied with a shaky voice. There was a bark coming from downstairs. Crap. I forgot about Jackson.

"I'm DCI Richard Blakeman. I understand that this case is being dealt with in South Wales with DCI Gill Murray and DI Bailey and DI Scott?" He asked.

"Errrm yeah I think. I wasn't involved so they haven't spoken to me. I only met Emma on Wednesday." I explained whilst rubbing Emma's back to try and calm her down again. I was really worried about her actually.

"Okay, I'll need the three of you to come down to the station for questioning." He told us.

"Can I follow you in my car? We're going down to London soon so I thought it would just be easier..."

"That's fine, we can have a convoy going on. Miss Cornish, I would advise that she goes with you. She seems to trust you and I don't want to scare her anymore than she already is." I nodded and followed him out of the room with Emma still in my arms.

Jackson followed me out of the house and got into the car before I place Emma on the passenger seat, put her seat belt on and kissed her lightly on her head. She pulled herself into a ball and continued crying. I sighed and walked around to the drivers side, started the engine and waited for the first police car with Muriel in it to drive off.

It took us ten minutes to get down to the police station and when we finally arrived, there was still no change for Emma. I sighed once more as my heart shattered into a million pieces. I picked her up making sure that Jackson couldn't get out of the car. Luckily he was asleep, I didn't want to leave him in the car because it's a hot day but I wound the windows down and tied him to one of the seats so he couldn't escape.

I carried Emma into the station and followed DCI Blakeman into the interview room. I sat Emma down on the chair before turning around to DCI Blakeman. "I'm afraid you won't be able to stay with her whilst she's in t'interview."

"Doesn't she need an appropriate adult or something?"

"Yes bu-"

"Can't I be the appropriate adult?" I cut him off.

"I'm afraid not Miss Cornish, you're an eye witness in this case now. It would be inapropriate for you to be an appropriate adult." He concluded whilst holding the door open for me. "We will get her an appropriate adult don't worry. There will be someone to come and speak to you too about what happened. We need your account."

"Okay. Thank you." I sighed defeated and walked to the waiting area.

I was sat there with nothing to do for at least an hour and I have a problem with sitting down and not doing anything so I decided to ring my best friend. "Jess, is everything okay?" Holly asked on the first ring.

"I- I don't know." I admitted having to used all my energy in not breaking down.

"Babe, what's happened?" Holly asked softly. You could tell she wanted to know because she cared and not because she wanted the gossip.

"Well Emma and I are at the police station because her dad and uncle and that Blonde Bitch showed up and now we're being questioned and now it's all happening and Emma won't stop crying and we've been here over an hour and I'm really worried about her and-" I said all in one breath before Holly cut me off.

"Babe I didn't really understand any of that."

"Come round to mine tonight if you're not doing anything."

"Okay. I'll be there when you get back and I want you to tell me everything. I'm not going to let you hide this, it'll only hurt to do so."

"Thanks Hol, I love you."

"No you don't. You love Emma." She teased to cheer me up.

"Shut up Hol or I'll... I'll-"

"You'll what?" She teased more.

"Just shut up will you?" I joked

"Love you Jess, see you later." Holly hung up before I could say anymore.

It was another twenty minutes before I was called in to get my statement taken. I told them as it was. Nothing more and nothing less. I would have loved to over exaggerated what those twats did to Emma but I know what it's like to have stories that are totally made up about you in the paper and I can say that it's not a good feeling.

I sighed as I came out of the interview as Emma still wasn't there. The policeman said that he'd go and find out what's happening. It's nearly half past four and we really need to get going to London soon. I think the sooner we leave Yorkshire the better.

I pulled my phone out to find a text from Holly.

Hey babe! I'm at yours and I'll be waiting :) xx

It takes at least three hours to get down to London from here, so Holly is going to be waiting a long time.

Thank you babe, I really appreciate it :) you maybe waiting longer than three hours mind so make yourself at home. I know you do anyway... But I'd understand of you wanted to go home xx

I pressed send and played on Candy Crush whilst waiting for a reply. I hardly managed to open the app before I had reply;

I'll always be waiting for you because together we can conquer the world right? Somebody told me that :P xx

Well there's one thing about Holly, she never fault to make me smile and that is why she is my best friend.

You know if someone hacked my phone and found you quoting this person whoever he/she might be they'd be able to write half of my songs? :P but it's true, together we can conquer the world :D xx

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This author's note is in italics because I've just spent half an hour sorting out all the italics and it's just annoying me.... Writing in your phone really isn't easy!

I want to dedicate this chapter to @awwcutee because she was being cute and made a really sweet comment :) Thank you so much and I'll dedicate it to you when I get time :D

Thank you for reading commenting and voting :D

Emma xx

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