Chapter 15 - Skype

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*Jessie's pov*

Well... What can I say? Emma's got serious problems. She's receiving death threats and a teacher has a crush on her. It's so obvious, teachers don't care that much and the way she looks at Emma, it makes me jealous. Emma said there was someone she wants me to meet. I'm a bit apprehensive about this. I don't know why though. I need to find out more about this person.

"So who's this person you want me to meet?" I asked once Emma had recovered from her crying

"She's called Emma Swain and we met because of you so thank you. She's one of my best friends even though we've never actually met face to face but she's a massive fan and I share everything with her so its only fair that I share you with her." Did she mean a relationship? Like a threesome? She must have seen my worried face. "Don't worry Jess, we're just friends." I was so relieved

"So I really brought you two together?" I asked

"Yeah. We met on twitter because she made a fan account for you." We started talking when I was in McDonald's with my... Yeah well you know... she'd love to meet you. Whenever your concerts are live streamed we always Skype and watch them together. We normally Skype every night anyway. But I was busy last night so I owe her." Emma explained.

"That's cute. I'm glad that people have made friends because of me. I want people to be happy and stop fighting or stop trying to end their lives. I'm glad my music can be such a great help. It's my dream for people to be healed by my music so I'm soo... Words can't even explain how happy I am to be living my dream." I said. It just flowed out and I couldn't stop it.

"I know I've said this before but if I ever meet your parents I'd never ever ever ever be able to thank them enough for making you and bring you up to be like you are." I blushed at the though of my parents creating me and my mum under the bedside cabinet giving birth. Not the nicest views of your parents you want. "Seriously though Jess. I'm living my dream right now. Being able to spend time with you and getting know you as a person and not a star has been my dream for quite sometime now, and I know it's other people's dreams too."

"I hope to make their dreams come true one day. I wish to meet all my heartbeats one day. You guys are the only reason that I'm here." We walked the rest of the way talking about our other hobbies and interests.

*Emma's pov*

Was Jess getting jealous when I was telling her about Emma? Emma's got a boyfriend and as far as I know she's completely straight. Even if she wasn't we'd be just friends and we've got the same name... That would just be weird. We then started talking about our dreams and then our other hobbies and interests. When we eventually got home I Facebooked Emma to see if she was okay to Skype. She was more than happy.

"Okay so Jess, stand there and when I tell you to come and sit with me, come and sit with me. She's gonna love it I can't wait!" God why was I so excited?

"Hey!" Emma greeted me

"Hey Em, I've got a surprise for you to make up the fact that I couldn't Skype last night..." I started to say but

"It's okay I understand. It was on the news. How are you?" She asked I smiled and replied with

"I'm fine thanks actually. I've met someone and she's your surprise. You gonna love it!" I almost screamed

"She?! Who is it?" Emma was practically jumping up and down by now. I patted the space next to me to signal to Jess to come and sit down. "OH. MY. EFFIN. GOD. IT'S... NO IT CAN'T BE! HOW DID YOU? OH MY GOD!!"

"Nice to meet you too Emma." Jess laughed at Emma's reaction.

"Oh my god! She spoke to me." Emma was starting to calm down now

"Well Em, you might want to talk back to her. You know, be polite." I teased Jess laughed harder.

"Oh yeah, um sorry. Hi... Um... Yeah." Emma tried to start a conversation but failing miserably.

"Jess, did you know that Emma sings? She's amazing and her teacher is getting her a contract and a stylist." I said

"Really?" Jess asked

"Um... Yeah." Emma smiled

"Awww Emma's gone all shy." I teased even more.

"Yeah well it's your fault for tell Jess what I do." Emma said and poked her tongue at me to show she was joking.

"Well, make sure that when you get your stylist, just stay you. You know, the other day I was looking back through old photos of me from when I first started, and I thought did I have no friends? I looked like a clown and it just wasn't me. I put a few of then together and I sent the pictures out to my friends and family saying don't ever let me leave the house looking like this again." Jess laughed

"I agree with you there Jess," I piped up to keep the conversation going, "when I watch old videos of you on YouTube you are completely different. Yeah you look different in the fact you've got hair, but the clothes you wore... I don't know... They weren't natural, and you speak differently, it's like you're a free person now. You are you and you're happier now."

"Yeah I agree too. I really need to go, my friends coming over but I'll Facebook you later Em and I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." Jess replied. Emma's jaw dropped and I hung up and burst put laughing, until I got pains in my chest and had to concentrate on my breathing. "Are you okay?" Jess asked she looked so concerned.

"Yeah. Fine." I put on a smile, I don't think she bought it but she dropped it.

"Oh, I have something for you." Jess announced

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have literally just got back from Cornwall! 6 hour car journey wasn't much fun but I got plenty of writing done :D I had no internet over the weekend so I couldn't update! Feed back is welcome! Dedicated to @Jessie_ann because I wasn't going to post tonight but she asked me too and thank you for your comment! Have a good holiday :) x

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