Chapter 30 - All Time High

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*Emma's pov*

"How's things at home?"

Do I really have to talk about this now? Do I really have to explain to yet another teacher?

Do I really want to have another argument? Do I really want to break down? Because I know that will happen if I start talking about it now...

I know the answer is 'No, I don't have to' and 'No, I don't want to' but the question is 'Can I actually pull off a down right lie?'

"It's great. Thanks for asking." I forced a smile onto my face. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard.

"If you say so." She quickly looked me up and down again, trying to read me before she turned and walked into the lab.

Well that was weird. She's the first one that I haven't had to talked to. I don't think that she believed me when I said I was fine but she didn't push me to tell the truth. But the truth is, at the moment I am quite happy.

I shook my head, bewildered at my feelings right now and walked into the lab. I felt everyone's eyes burning into me as I took my seat. The lesson went slowly. We played Top Trumps with homemade cards. We had different foods on them and the categories were the amount if energy, sugar, fat and salt that this item of food contained. This is what we do when we can't watch DVDs? We might as well be watching DVDs, I don't know how we benefited from our game of Top Trumps at all. So by the end, my mood had considerably changed. Typical.

"So have a good holiday and I'll see some of you in September. I wish you all good luck in you GCSEs. You are free to go." Mrs Jones dismisses us. Somehow I managed to get to the back of the queue that is going out if the door. "Emma, can I speak to you for a minute?" I froze and closed my eyes trying to compose myself before turning around to face her. "Now, are you sure you're okay?" She asked

I was until I came to this lesson is what I thought. "Yeah." Is what I replied. I felt bored and when I'm  bored I think about things. All I've beem able to think about is the fact that Karl is still out there...

"It's just I lost my mum when I was young to and I-"

"I'm sorry Miss," I cut her off, "Thanks for being concerned and everything but I really don't want to talk about it. If you did loose your mum like I have then you should understand." I hated saying this and immediately felt bad for saying it.

"I know how you feel but I found out that talking helps."

"I know Miss, but I have my friends and family to do that with. I do need to go because otherwise I'll be late for my meeting with Mr Pratt and the police." I excused myself. I wouldn't be but I just wanted to leave.

"As long as you're happy." She turned to the computer to do whatever teachers do.

"Thank you." And with that I exited the lab and closed the door behind me.

I looked up to find the guys waiting for me. I smiled at them to let them know I was okay. Charlotte locked eyes with me for a second, having a private conversation about how I really felt. I did notice that Aleks and Georgina weren't here. That made my mood a little bit better. I don't think I could handle them right now.

They all started walking off. Mike and Charlotte were at the front holding hands. That was cute. WAIT! Holding hands? Since when did they start holding hands? They were taking there relationship extremely slow but seriously, they've been going out for five months and they've only just started holding hands.

"C'mon Em." Charlotte turned around as she called me. She looked down to see where I was staring. I hadn't even realised I was staring at it to be honest. But she blushed! Charlotte never blushes! I couldn't help myself...

"CHARLOTE'S DOING A MIKE!!!" I screamed down the corridor. We were the only ones in it so that's okay! Charlotte went crimson when I made that comment and so did Mike. Mike gets very embarrassed very easily and blushes a lot, so that's why when someone blushes we say they're doing a Mike. My mood was at an all time high right now. I don't even know why!

"Emma! Shut up!" Miss Johnson's voice came from around the corner.

"Oh, well I'm sorry if I'm happy! I can't help it!" I had lowered my voice a bit but it was still a shout.

"Em, if us holding hands is what makes you happy, I would have done it ages ago." Charlotte told me honestly. Emily and Becky were shitting themselves. They were probably scared a teacher was going to come a long and give us all a detention. Harrison on the other hand was struggling to contain his laughter and Mike... Well he was doing a Mike.

"Awwww! Thank you. I love you!" I beamed. I obviously only meant it as a friend.

"Hands off! She's mine!" Mike poked his tongue out to show me he was joking

"What are you all on?" Miss Johnson piped up.

"Now that would be telling." I replied tapping my nose. We all laughed.

"Well I think it's time you all enjoyed this lively weather." Miss Johnson hinted for us all to go outside.

We made our way out and just hung around not really doing anything but messing. The chemistry lab is in the same building as Mr Pratt's office so I walked with them to Chemistry and then to Mr Pratt's office on my own. I smartened myself up before knocking in his door.

"Enter." His voice echoed through to me. Well here goes nothing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: There is an important note in this long author's note...

Be happy because I thought I wouldn't be able to update today but our car broke down so we couldn't do anything :(

Did you know that Square One has been released as a single on Itunes? Neither did I but it has been... Go and have a look if you don't believe me :)

Dedicated to @jessiejhearts because she's amazing and knows that I've got a better cliffhanger, not the next chapter but the chapter after that and therefor, knows that I have won the battle ;)

Hi Jade! I feel as if we haven't spoken for ages :/

Just a heads up here, my next chapter is called Blonde Bitch and I just thought that I'd say if you're blonde please don't take offence it's just aimed at one person. I don't have anything against blondes.

Thanks for reading and feedback is welcomed :D

Emma xx

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