Chapter 44 - The Journey to Yorkshire Part 2

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*Emma's pov*

“I’M GOING CRAZY! I’M LOSING MY MIND!” Screamed down my ears. It was beautiful screaming though. This is Big White Room though. So that means I’ve either slept through my entire music library, which is unlikely because it lasts for about two days, or I’ve slept for a few songs. Great. I’ve been asleep for twenty minutes. I groaned as I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep again now…

“Sorry babe, did I wake you up?” Jess asked as I opened my eyes. I still had Big White Room in my ears so it took me a while to realise what she was saying. I love it when she calls me babe I’m never going to be able to sleep. She has awoken the butterflies…

“Errrm… Yeah but no… Well yeah.. I don’t know.” I couldn’t make up my mind. It’s early in the morning and I’ve only had twenty minutes sleep. Don’t judge.

“I’m confused.” Jess laughed putting a Wine Gum into her mouth.

“I don’t blame you.”  I sighed turning Motown off. “Listen, this is what I woke up to.” I unpluged my earphones and Jess smirked and started singing along. “And believe me when I say this isn’t the first time either.” I grumbled more to myself than Jess.

“I’m sorry but it’s your own fault! You shouldn’t be listening to it when you’re asleep.” She spoke before putting another Wine Gum into her mouth. I looked down to see the packet almost empty.

“Jess, I think you should slow down with the Wine Gums.” I stated as I took the packet away.

“Why?” She pouted. She looked so cute. My heart stopped for a brief second.

“Because you’ve eaten nearly the whole packet in under twenty minutes and it’s not as if it was a tube, it’s a whole big extra value pack that’s at least three times the size of a normal big packet.” I said as I stuffed the packet in the pocket in my door.

“But you’re going to eat the rest of them now.” She whined looking at me.

“ROAD!!!” Jess snapped her head back and swerved just in time to dodge a car.

“Sorry. But stop changing the subject!” She argued

“I don’t even like Wine Gums so I promise you I won’t eat them.”

“Why did you even buy them then?” Jess asked looking totally confused.

“Habit.” I really don’t want to tell her the reason why.

“Would you like to explain?”

“No, not really.” I answered bluntly. Jess sighed and said nothing. I felt bad, I’m not sure why but I just felt as though I need to tell her everything. “My dad… He always had a packet of Wine Gums when we went on a car journey…” I trailed off not wanting to cry.

“I’m sorry Em. I wish I could make everything better.” Jess sighed again.

“You already do.” As I said this a smile appeared on her face. “Seriously Jess, you don’t realise how happy you make me feel. And it’s not just me either. All the heartbeats out there smile when you smile. They cry when you cry. They’d do anything for you Jess. They get all horny when they read fanfics about you. Especially Jessbians or male heartbeats as they like to be known.” I smiled remembering my first fanfic that I read.

“Wait. Fanfics?” Do you think I can tell Jess about them without telling her what’s actually in them?

“Errrm… Well… They are stories that fans have made about you… Most of them are Janny or Jessbian.”

“Most of them? How many are there?”

“There’s mainly four topics… Janny, Jessbian, Jalisha and…. Her. I’ve never come across one where you meet a guy and settle down with him. There’s a lot… And they become very addicted to read…” I ended before I sounded too much like a perv.

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