Chapter 86 - American Experiences

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*Jessie's pov*

"Ems, you're gonna be late for school." Was my attempt to wake Emma up. I'd already been up for an hour packing my last minute things into my suitcase. Emma and I had a late night last night. I know I should've been more responsible but I didn't realise the time until it was half three in the morning. My excuse was that it was our last night we're going to be able to spend wth each other for a few months. I really am going to miss her.

Emma rolled over and mumbled sleepily into the pillow, "Just give me five more minutes."

"It's already half past seven." Emma muttered something incoherent into the pillow, "I've made pancakes for us and they're getting cold."

Emma sat bolt upright, "I'm up!" She blinked a few times probably to take the dizziness away from her head from sitting up too quickly.

"They're down stairs." I pecked her lips which moulded them into a beautiful smile.

"Why are you already dressed? Why is there a suit- Oh yeah..." Emma's smile faded quickly. "I forgot you were going today..."

"Cheer up princess, your tiara is slipping." I sat down carefully in front of her. "I'm gonna text you as soon as I land in LA and we'll Skype as much as possible. It'll be like I'm still here." My girlfriend smiled weakly. "C'mon, let's go and eat these pancakes." I entwined our hands as we walked down stairs for the last time in what feels like forever.


"So what time's your flight?" Emma's voice wavered as she watched our linked hands swing between us.

"Five thirty." I paused as I looked at Emma's face. Her eyes were brimming with tears. "No tears remember?" Emma simply nodded.

"So you'll get to LA at five a.m. UK time?" I nodded, "Which is nine p.m. LA time?" I nodded again, "And you're still gonna text me? You have to."

"Well it doesn't sound like I have much choice." She glared at me. "I'm joking. Of course I will."

"It's gonna be hell without you around Jess."

"Maybe you should do something to take your mind off it... Like start a project or something." I suggested. The look on Emma face showed she was clearly thinking about it. "You know I hate hospitals, so when I was there for long periods of time I used to set myself a goal, like..." I paused to think back, "Read a certain number of books during the time I was there or something."

"That sounds like a good idea actually... But it doesn't mean I'll forget about you." Emma looked up to the sky a few times in an attempt to clear the tears. It broke my heart to see her like this. I wanted to cry. I wanted to go back to bed and cuddle her all day. But I couldn't. I needed to be the strong one. I needed to show her that everything will be okay whilst I'm away.

"I know you won't babe." I pulled Emma in for a hug as we got to the back entrance of the school that's connected to the cycle track. Emma squeezed me tightly.

"I don't want to let go." She spoke into the crook of my neck. I sighed.

"The sooner you let go, the sooner I'll be back." I attempted a smile. Whether it worked or not was a different matter, but Emma couldn't see anyway.

Emma took in a deep breath and pulled away slightly, but not so much she had to let go. "I love you so much." She spoke clearly before capturing my lips in hers. Emma's grip made it's way down to my waist as my arms draped over her shoulders and my hand moved into her hair. Tears flew down my cheeks whilst our lips moved in sync. I won't get this feeling for two months. The feeling of the sparks of electricity flowing through my body as our lips touched. The feeling of her soft and feathery lips kissing me back. The overwhelming feeling of the power of our love for one another.

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