Chapter 28 - All Time Low

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*Emma's pov*

I walk into form with my mind still troubled with everything that's going on. Charlotte hugged me. She could clearly see that something was up. I threw my phone in the table and took my blazer off. My phone buzzed as I picked it up. I had a message from Jess.

'Em, if you and Charlotte are back before I am, just make yourselves at home I won't be too long. Don't worry too much about the police OR me. I'll be fine. Company for Sunday is sorted ;) Text me if you need me xx'

To be honest with you, this only made me worry more but I replied to her with:

'I won't! Don't worry about me either! Can you tell me who? xx' I clicked send and threw my phone back on the table not wanting do anything with it anymore

"Em what are you worrying about?" Charlotte asked

"Just the police." I lied, "I'm going to have to speak to them after school but you're still coming over."

"I've brought Mario Bros. What else are we doing?"

"First we are going to mine to dump my bags and we can get changed." Charlotte always brings clothes if she's coming after school. It's just more comfortable. "Then we're going up to Jess' and you'll be doing whatever you want to do whilst I go and give the police a statement. Then we're going to a gig in Goytre village hall. Then you can go home." I smiled at our plans.

"That sounds great Em. I can't wait for today to be over. It's our last day in year nine though. This year has gone so fast."

"Yeah it has considering. I don't know how I would have got through it without you. I am really sorry about the Facebook thing. I really don't know what possessed me to do it." I looked down. I still feel really guilty for reading her messages...

"It's fine. It's all in the past and I know you'll never do it again." She smiled and I couldn't help but mirror her.

I hadn't noticed that Miss Johnson had started to do the register so after calling my name for what was probably the tenth time I finally answered 'yma' (kind of pronounced 'um ah') which is 'here' in Welsh. Miss Livesy soon walks in and asks to take me out. I grab my phone and take the walk of shame out of the class room to all of the popular people whispering about why I'm being taken outside. I wish I could whisper with them. I'd love to know what Miss Livesy wants to talk to me about too.

We were stood in the cold corridor in the F block outside the class room. Even though its the middle of July and we've got this heatwave going on, it still manages to be cold especially in our history room.

"So first I'm going to ask you do you have anything that you need to tell me?" She asked

"Nothing that I need to tell you." I smiled

"Anything you want to tell me or anyone for that matter?" I paused as I thought about what I was going to say

"I want to tell Lucy to keep my private business private." I smirked and then I realised what I just said. I just gave cheek to my head of year who respects me as a hard working and polite pupil. Oops...

"Well I think Lucy has done the right thing. You can't keep everything to yourself. That's why we've set you up a few counselling sessions. The first month is free but if you need anymore after that you will have to pay for it."

"I don't need counselling. It doesn't help... not really."

"You won't know until you try it." She encouraged

"I have tried it and believe me it doesn't help. All it does is push it to the back of your mind and if one small thing reminds you, you're back at square one. And I don't want to go back to square one, I just want to find the one that can get me through this. The one that understands and I've found her." I snapped. I stopped before I said something I'd regret.

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