Chapter 69 - Mum? Dad?

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*Emma's pov*

It took the person ten minutes to literally drag me back to the relative's room. A pain was starting to creep into my chest but I couldn't tell if it was physical or emotional. "Em, come on the doctors will look after her." An Irish accent spoke out. Danny.
"But I need to be with her. This is all my fault. Clair would still be alive if I had said something." I regretted saying that as soon as I said it.
"What are you on about?" Danny asked.
"I had a nightmare that Clair's plane crashed into the sea and then Jess did this. I-"
"Why didn't you fucking say something?"
"Dan I-"
"I don't want to hear it." Danny shoved me away and stormed out the room. I kicked the table with the letters on and bent down to pick mine up but the pain increased and left me breathless and clutching my chest. I sank to the floor, gasping for oxygen trying desperately not to pass out. This always happens sometimes if I make sudden movements but it's never been this bad. There was the time at Jessie's parents and a few other times since but I've managed not to pass out. I've been able to control myself but this one was going pretty bad. The pain in my chest being nothing that I'd experienced before. Worse than the dislocation, worse than the emotional pain of rape and losing my family.

"Shit Em, I'm so sorry." Danny's Irish accent brought me back to reality momentarily as he scooped me up in his arms. I gripped on to his tee tightly, trying to keep my breathing the same as his. He placed me on a bed and Robin and a doctor came over to inspect me. The doctor listened to my heart and muttered some medical stuff that I didn't understand.
"Emma we're just gonna give you some morphine for the pain." Robin spoke softly as she set up the drip.
"No!" I jolted away nearly falling out of the bed. I deserve to be in this pain. Clair is dead. Jessie is dead. And it's all my fault. Danny's right. I should have said something.
"Em, you know Jess wouldn't want this. Take the drugs. You need to get better." Danny tried to persuade me but failed.
"No. There's no point. I have nothing." The need of wanting to no longer live appearing out of no where. I seriously have never felt like that before.
"Em please." Danny begged.
"No." I was stubborn. I didn't want any of this.
"Two minutes." Danny spoke to the medical staff.

Robin and the doctor tried persuading me to take the morphine but no matter how hard they tried I refused. If I wasn't going to die I should at least feel this pain. "Can you give is a few minutes?" An older voice spoke. Steve.
"We'll just be over here." They closed the curtains around me, Rose and Steve.
"Danny says you won't take the pain relief." Rose spoke softly as she she tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear, alerting me to the sweat I had broken into.
"Why should I?" I breathed. The pain causing my voice to leave me.
"Because Jessie will need you well so she can recover properly." Steve answered my question.
"You mean?" I voiced, finding a little bit of strength. The way Steve was talking about her. She was still alive.
"She's alive. She's in a coma though, but our Jess is a fighter and she'll get through this." Rose continued as a small smile appeared on my lips.
"Her doctor said that she's already showing signs of improvement." I could hear the smile in Steve's voice as he spoke about Jess recovering.
"That's great." I squirmed about in pain. "Can I have the drugs now?" I squirmed again. The doctor and Robin came through the curtains and injected me with a liquid. I smiled as I felt my body relax before losing consciousness.

"Visiting time is over. You're going to have to go home." Jess' doctor spoke as he tried to pull me away from Jess.
"No. I'm not leaving her again. The last time I did that she nearly died." I explained stubbornly.
"Miss Cornish will be in safe hands, miss. You can come back at eight o'clock to visit her tomorrow morning."
"Jess will be okay." A voice from across the room spoke. The voice warmed up my body.
"Clair?" I asked.
"Yeah. Come on Ems, I'll bring you back tomorrow." She held out her hand for me to take.
"O-okay..." I thanked the doctor and grabbed hold of Clair's hand. It was stone cold, like actually stone cold, as if she were dead. Although this did freak me out a little bit, I went along with it because I felt strangely comforted and not alone by it.

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