Chapter 12 - School

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*Emma's pov*

I gave Jess the directions to Roberts and Co., gave her a hug and walked into school with Becky and Harrison. They both burst out laughing at the same time, "What?" I asked laughimg too.

"Congrats you two look so cute together." Becky smiled

"Jess isn't my girlfriend!" I answered quickly

"Really? I thought you loved her, why haven't you asked her out?" Harrison asked

"I do love her. But she's 10 years older than me. She's famous and I'm just nobody. Why would she say yes?" I asked, mainly to myself

"Well you won't know until you try." Becky encouraged

"Aren't your parents 10 years apart?" Harrison asked

"Yeah they were and look where that got them." I said bluntly and there was an awkward silence, "She doesn't love me like that any way, but I will wait for her to fall in love with me. We'll be seeing each other a lot more now." I smiled at the thought.

Harrison left to go to his form room, he's in M2 whilst me and Becky are in M1. We met Charlotte inside and she hugged me.

"Em, I'm sooooo sorry, it's all over the news. Are you okay?" She asked

"I am now." I smiled and explained the whole Jessie J thing. That reminded me of my friend Emma. Yes we have the same name and we are both massive heartbeats! We met on twitter because of Jess and I will be eternally grateful. We normally Skype each other every night, I didn't get round to it last night though. I'll have to Skype her to night. I smiled at the thought. She'd love to see Jessie.

In chemistry, Miss Stevens was late like always, and it went remarkably slowly. It was interesting but it wasn't fun. We have started the GCSE course already. It's a lot of work and you really do have to concentrate.

German went by in a flash. I've always loved German. Frau Samuels was concerned about me. She does seem to take things that happen to me by heart especially over the last weeks. It's funny though because Frau Samuels looks so much like Jess used to. She has jet black hair and the fringe, however her hair is longer and wavy, she still has green eyes though. I can't wait until next year so I can start GCSE German. I hope I get Frau Samuels next year.

Physics was brilliant. I'm not taking it next year and we've been split into a class of people who are taking it and a class who isn't taking it. At the moment we are designing a board game to do with space some how, ours is called 'Spaceships and Black Holes'. I would go as far as to say it was fun. Wow! Charlotte is in my Physics and she is a brilliant artist so she did all the drawing. She also made me promise to tell her everything that happened yesterday and last night.

P.E.... Well Elys didn't wait until I was on my own this time. We were all getting changed when it happened. I wasn't though because of my ribs.

"You perv! You're not getting changed so why is the dirty dyke still in here?" She asked so everybody could hear

"Seriously Elys?" Sophie Rideout (the one that was staring at me when I was singing to Jess from earlier) replied I was shocked so I stood there gobsmacked for two seconds. Elys took this to her advantage and punched me right where my lung was punctured yesterday. I immediately sank to the floor and tucked my knees up to my face trying to takes control of my breathing. I felt a sharp pain across my shin, I'm guessing Elys kicked it.

"Elys Holcombe! Get out if here now!" I heard Lucy shout. "Em, are you okay."

"No. Get everyone out of here." I breathed, it really hurt. "Charl, Beck, stay here." I spoke but it came out as a whisper

Everyone left and Lucy returned two minutes later with my cream and tablets. "What do I do?" She asked she was panicking. I threw my shirt off and I heard them all gasp. I felt a warm liquid under my bandage.

"She's ripped off the dressing. I need two blue tablets and one red one." I paused to catch my breath as best I could whilst Lucy got the right tablets. "Now you need to take the dressing off and put the cream over it." The pain died away as the tablets worked their magic. I was starting to breathe properly now. Lucy rubbed the cream in. I definitely preferred it when Jess did it. I closed my eyes and saw Jess. I smiled at the thought of Jess moving down here. "Now just put a new pad over it and hey presto" I just sat there for what seemed like a few minutes whilst my breathing returned to normal.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This one's quite short but this is the second one tonight! Hope you enjoyed and feedback is welcome :) x

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