Chapter 59 -

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*Jessie's pov*

My eye's flickered back and forth between Emma's eyes and lips. I couldn't stop myself. Not now. My hand had already found Emma's cheek and my thumb was already gently caressing it. Her skin was so soft and smooth, it was unbelievable. I finaly closed the gap as Emma looked towards the door. Our lips brushed against each other for less than a second but the electicity that I fet in that one second was... Woah... I'd never felt anything like it in my and I want more. I hung my head, closed my eyes and took a deep breath in before looking over to where Emma was looking. I took a quick glance at Emma who was blushing lightly, turning me on that slight bit more. I followed her gaze and found Rachel smirking at the door. "Sorry for interrupting and as lovely as your singing is, some of us are trying to sleep."

"What you're actually trying to sleep?" Emma sound surprised.

"Cheeky bitch." Rachel joked.

"Well what am I supposed to think? Clair and Danny claimed they we're going to have an early night." Emma stated and face plamed as soon as she said it.

"Who's Clair and Danny?" Rachel asked.

"Jess' friends." Emma said quickly, not telling the whole truth.

"Oh yeah.... Clair Thomas right?" I nodded.

"Wow Rach, you know your stuff." Emma spoke sarcastically.

"Yeah... thanks." Rachel shook her head and closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Jess. I didn't mean to say that. I need to get used to the whole 'If you tell one person the paps will find out and the whole world will know' thing." Emma apologised.

"Babe, it's okay. It took me a while to get used to it. Talking about paps... Can I tell everyone about you on the hangout tomorrow?" I asked nervously. I know some people get put off about going public, but to me it's just a way of proving that I want to be here for them. I wouldn't go public if I wasn't serious.

"Oh... errrrm...." Emma trailed off.

"If you don't want to I understand. It's just it would be better everyone found out on our terms rather than the paps making up some bullshit story." I explained.

"I get it... Of course you can. The sooner the better right?" Emma asked.

"I'll only do it if you want to babe. There's no rush." I emphasised. I didn't want Emma to feel as if she's pressured into this.

"Of course I want to Jess." Emma's smile grew across her face as I flipped us over so I could get up.

"I better be going now." I got up carefully and smiled at Emma.

"No, please stay." Emma grabbed my wrist and pleaded with her eyes. An emotion similar to fear glittered from deep within them.

"I'll only be up the road remember? Call me if you need me Em." I spoke softly.

"I don't want you to leave. You can't leave." Emma's voice cracked mid-sentence as the tears started rolling down her soft cheeks.

"Why not? You said yourself that we can't spend every night together." I reluctantly reminded Emma, pulling her into a tight hug. In reply she mumbled something into my chest. "Sorry Em, I didn't quite get that." I pulled out of the hug slightly to look Emma in the eye.

"Oh... Errrrm....You're right. I'm just being stupid." Emma half smiled but something was still missing.

"I tell you what, you go and get ready for bed and I'll come and tuck you in yeah? I offered as Emma nodded and made her way upstairs.

Shortly after I found Emma in her pyjamas sitting on her bed with her back to the door. I sat on the edge of her bed and wrapped my arms around her shoulders to which she flinched slightly before relaxing into my hold. I noticed Emma wipe some tears away. "Come on babe, jump in." I said soothingly, lifting up the corner of the duvet. Emma climbed in and just looked up at me. "Everything's gping to be okay, I promise. And I never break my promises." I smiled before taking Emma's hand in mine and kissing it, again feeling the amazing sparks. Emma showed a small smile before snuggling down into her warm bed. Just as I was about to turn the light off Emma spoke up.

"I love you Jess." I smiled at Emma before replying.

"I love you too babe." I turned the light of as a twang of pain shot through my heart. If only she knew that I meant it. If only Emma knew how much I really did love her.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So... What a day...

I'm sorry for the short chapter... It's only 758 words long, but I thought this was a nice ending.... :)

I have a few thank you's to dish out.... @isthataleshea for telling me about the other I Will Wait...

@Jessie_HB for also telling me about the other I Will Wait and for writing such a lovely comment on it :D

@ElizaCasey for also commenting about how pathetic it is....

@JadeWithers for finding out what she has to say.... She said something along the lines of 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend but I did take some ideas but only the whole parents suicide thing and I'm going to make it different... blah blah blah... It's not as if there's copyright... blah blah blah...' Yeah so I was a little pissed off...

Dedicated to @crazyforcornish because she's amazing :D And so is her fanfic 'I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore' Go check it out guys :)

I'm so sorry for the short chapter guys... This is the shortest one I've ever written and I don't like the length but you're just gonna have to live with it because this is how it is... This author's note is half as long as the chapter itself.. I'm sorry...

Thanks for commenting, voting and reading :D

Emma xx

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