Chapter 39 - Packing

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*Emma's pov*

Ten minutes later, Jess came back down with a suitcase that barely closed.

"How long are we actually going for?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm not sure so I packed pretty much everything. You really don't have many clothes. When we're in London I'm gonna take you shopping." Great... I hate shopping. I don't know why but I've never been into clothes shopping. I'd rather spend my money on music.


"No buts Em, I'm going to treat you. And don't say you don't have enough money because it's on me."

"Jess, I really couldn't let you do that."

"Errrm I said no buts." She said sternly.

"I didn't say but." I replied emphasising the but. I feel really self conscious when I go shopping with other people.

"You know what I mean! Come on it'll be fun!"

"I knew you were stubborn but seriously?"

"Stop changing the subject!" Okay, I clearly wasn't going to win.

"Fine but I'm going to a music shop." I said crossing my arms. I wasn't happy.

"Aww cheer up Em, it could be worse." I stared at her.

"How the hell could it be worse? Actually I don't want to know."

"Well normally I drag Holly around lingerie shops and if I try in a bra she has to give me her opinion." Woah.... Actually, I would mind that, I bit my lip to stop the smirk appearing on my pace. "But I won't make you do that, don't worry."

"Good." Was all I could say. "Have you packed any books or films?" I asked

"Well I have plenty if films at my place and so do my parents. As to books... There's so many in your bedroom I didn't know which one you were reading."

"Okay well, first thing." I pulled myself up from the sofa to the TV and picked up my Harry Potter box set. "I'm taking this." I threw the films to her.

"Harry Potter?" She asked

"Well you don't have it and its tradition for me sorry."

"How do you know I don't have it?" She asked confused

"The Ustream you did on the 21st December 2011 when someone dared you to sing Price Tag but with a Harry Potter theme. You said you never got into it, or Lord of the Rings. I've got all of them too. They were my dads favourite so we've got extended additions so each film has two discs to it." A worried expression appeared on her face. I giggled. "Don't worry. I haven't even seen all of them, we'll save them for another day."

"Really though?" She asked

"Well I'm only going shopping with you if you watch one Harry Potter with me." I bargained. I can be very stubborn when it comes to Harry Potter.

"Fine. I bet it's not that bad anyway. I've just never had the time to sit down and watch it."

"That's more like it." I smiled "It's the holidays. It's tradition for me. I'm sorry. I'm normally home alone in the holidays so Harry Potter fills up my time. I got up at eight once and put Harry Potter on and I was still watching it at half four when my dad got home. I was only on the sixth film."

"How many are there?"


"Right.... Okay."

"Now for a book. Stay there." I hopped off into my room. I searched for the book titled Nice To Meet You. Jess will try to advise me against it but again, it's tradition for me to take it on holiday. I found the book that I was currently reading and picked if up and somehow managed to carry both of them through to Jess and not fall over.

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