ch 7: sunny

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I had to get away from all of their fighting and testosterone; sometimes I wish Uncle Karl just had girls instead.

Tristan, while sweet when he wants to be, could also be mean and annoying.

And... okay, I love Nate to death, but sometimes he could be so clingy it felt almost suffocating.

I ran up to my room and was slowly followed by Gizmo, the giant black Newfoundland I'd had since I was little.

She plopped her old but still massive body across my bed, her big brown begging me to pet her. I gave in instantly, scratching between my sweet girl's ears.

"I love them both, Giz, but... why are they so dumb?"

There was a knock on my door a moment later, and I was surprised to see my dad walking in.

"Hey, Kiddo... got a second?"

I sat up in bed and continued rubbing Gizmo's head as my dad took a seat at my desk, spinning the chair around so he could face me and scoot it closer to my bed.

"So... you know how every year there's a trade deadline?"


"Well, Sunflower, we--"

"We all got traded again? Awesome! Where are we going this time?"

With the drama with the mean girls at this new school and Nate and Tristan, I thought a move would be good for everybody... a change of pace.

Although it might annoy Tristan a little bit. His parents transferred him to the high school I was going to along with Nate this year, so for the third time in three years, he'd be the new kid at another school.

The relieved smile on my dad's face was paired with him releasing a shaky break.

"Have I told you lately you're like... the coolest kid, ever?"

"Not lately, but you're getting old."

My dad poked my side, tickling me before he gently tugged on one of Gizmo's ears.

"Seriously though, Sun... I don't know how many kids would just be ready to up and move like that. And this early into high school...?"

I gave him a small smile and a shrug.

"My dad's a football player, I've gotten used to it. Sooooo... where?"

A bright smile was on his face as he began a fake drumroll on my comforter.

"Well, there's still a guaranteed four years left in my contract and I told my agent--"

"How is Uncle Bruce?"

"He's good. Actually, you'll see him next week when we get to LA."

My eyes widened as I thought about the next four years in Los Angeles and spending it with the two guys who loved these moves just as much as I did.

I grabbed my phone that I had slipped under my pillow, ready to celebrate the news.

"Eeek! This is awesome! I got a call Nate-- he and Tristan are probably going nuts..."

My dad put his hand over mine, blocking my view of my phone and when I looked up at him, he had a sympathetic look on his face as he smiled and shook his head.

"Oh, Sunflower. I'm sorry, but the boys... they're staying here."


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