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one step forward and three steps back

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one step forward and three steps back


"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!" Anastasia mumbled as she stared down at the small little piece of plastic that was in her hands.

Hearing his daughter in some sort of distress, the dad quickly rushed over to the open door of the bathroom. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked her, looking at his daughter who was on the floor in the bathroom of her house.

Not knowing what words to say, the brunette slid the plastic stick across the floor. The side with tiny digital words facing upwards. Looking down at it, her father's eyes widened in shock.

"I'm going to be a grandfather? Again?" He asked her, excited for his daughter.

Anastasia nodded her head, before she jumped up from where she had been seated on the tile flooring. Her father quickly pulled her into his embrace and planted a kiss on top of her hair.

"Don't you have to go tell someone?" He asked her in a teasing tone.

"Oh my god! You're right! I need to tell Klaus!" She shouted in excitement before rushing out of the bathroom.

Her father followed after his daughter and saw her practically skipping towards the door. He was still in the hallway when he called out to his daughter, "You're still in your pajamas and you are only wearing socks, not any," The front door slammed shut, "" He then said, talking to no one.

"She'll figure it out eventually." He said to himself, before pouring himself a glass of expensive bourbon.


Anastasia stood outside the front of the Mikaelson Mansion, repeatedly knocking on the gold-rimmed white door. Hoping that her fiancé would open it, she had a bright smile on her face. But instead of Klaus, her blonde best friend did.

"Bekah! Hi!" The brunette squealed, overjoyed with excitement.

However, the blonde didn't seem to be as happy to see the brunette as Anastasia was to see Rebekah. Then she noticed Rebekah's glossy eyes and slight frown.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Did something happen?" The questions spewed out from the tiny brunette as she stared up at her friend with concern.

"Nothing's the matter, Stasi. Let's go get ice cream." Rebekah said, deflecting. She didn't want her best friend to witness what was going on inside the mansion.

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