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{same outfit as chapter before}

{same outfit as chapter before}

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"So Dean is your husband?" Rebekah asked again, clearly annoying the brunette angel, as well as her friends.

"For the last time, yes."

"Nice to meet the family of the new student." Dean said politely, before his small smile made its way into a smirk. "Not nice to meet you Kevin, Ronnie, Harvey, and Elliot."

Anastasia muffled her laughter with the palm of her hand, trying to be nice. Alaric, on the other hand, embraced it. He was openly laughing at what his other best friend had said. Sam was trying to stifle his laughter as well, causing a smile to make its way to his face. Kol, like Alaric, was openly laughing.

"I like you." Kol stated, in between his laughter.


Dean and Sam had left the office, suspiciously. It seemed as if they were planning something for Anastasia, but she didn't have time to question it, seeing as she had a meeting she was supposed to be in.

"Hope is doing well in school. Her grades are good so far. Her participation in class is good. She answers and asks questions when needed. All the teachers seem to like her so far too."

Anastasia began to say as she scrolled through the files on her computer.

"What classes is she taking?" Hayley asked, confusing the angel greatly at the fact that she didn't know the classes of her own child.

Because Anastasia knew every single one of the classes her children had taken. All the way from kindergarten to the current classes that they were taking in college and highschool.

So why didn't Hayley know?

It was one child compared to seven. Was it really that hard to ask her your own daughter about the classes she took?

It had been a month and a half, almost two months since Hope had started. And that was plenty of time to figure out the class schedule.

But apparently not.

Anastasia looked at her computer and typed in a few words, before the schedule had popped up.

"She takes eight classes like most students her age take." The brunette angel began. "She takes English in the morning. Advanced Placement. Then she has Chemistry as her next class. Also Advanced Placement. Then she has Werewolf Teachings. Then all students have a lunch break. The last class of the day is Art. That teacher absolutely adores her."

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