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the witch who cried wolf~~~~~

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the witch who cried wolf

The blonde witch rushed into the mansion. The door closing shut behind her, before she slid down it, unable to stop the frightened tears that fell from her eyes as her hands shook from the overwhelming fear she was feeling from what she had witnessed.

How could such sweet kids be such ruthless killers? Kill dozens of people and then laugh?

It didn't make sense.

Did Anastasia really raise them to be murderers?


Keelin was the first one to walk down the stairs and see her wife a crying and shaking mess on the floor. The sight immediately worried her to death.

What the hell had happened to her?

Was she okay?

The werewolf rushed over to her side and fell on her kneels next to her, grabbing her hands in a comforting way.

"Babe, what happened??" Keeling questioned, frantically. "Are you okay??" She then added quickly after.

Freya just shook her head not knowing what to say. Partly because she was too terrified to even think about formulating a sentence.

The white and red eyes flashing through her mind. The sinister and taunting grins of each of their faces.

It was truly and utterly petrifying.

"REBEKAH!!! ELIJAH!! ANYBODY!!!" Keelin called out, hoping that someone could come and help her with her wife. Maybe one of them could get her to talk. Or at least help calm her down. Anything at this point would be of assistance.

Rebekah sped down the stairs and immediately halted when she saw her older sister crying on the floor with Keelin trying to comfort her in any way possible. Never had she once seen her sister so distraught.

"Keelin, what happened?" The blonde vampire questioned,  rushing over towards her two family members. 

The werewolf shook her head. "I don't know. I don't know. I just came down here and saw her like this. I don't know what happened." Keelin explained to the vampire, glancing between both the vampire and her wife.

The rest of the family came down stairs, minus Hope who had decided to stay at the school for the night, seeing as the girl was still actively avoiding her family.

Thank the heavens she had a form at the school.

"What the hell happened here?" Kol asked, intrigued about the situation.

Similar questions had followed after him from other family members. All with the same question.

What had happened to Freya Mikaelson?

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