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a friggin' baby

Anastasia woke up laying on Dean's bare chest. She snuggled in closer to him, sighing in content that he was finally with her.

However, her peacefulness was short-lived.

She quickly shot up from bed, slipped on Dean's shirt from the prior day, and rushed to the bathroom. She kneeled over the toilet and threw up....again.

Minutes passed by as Anastasia remained in the bathroom, puking up blood. Then Dean got up, noticing the absence of his wife. He immediately rushed to the bathroom and saw her on the floor, leaning over the toilet coughing up blood.

"Annie..." He drawled, quickly rushing next to her on the floor. "What's wrong?" He questioned, concerned for her well-being.

As much as Anastasia wanted to answer, she was unable to, due to her being occupied otherwise. However, Dean didn't need her to answer, seeing as he was coming to the conclusion on his own.

"The last time you threw up blood was when you were...pregnant." Dean realized. Anastasia merely gave him a lazy thumbs-up before retching again.

"I'll go get a test. Or do you need a test? Have you already taken on? Or...." The hunter began rambling, cut off when Anastasia finally answered him.

"I haven't." She replied, wiping the back of her hand over her mouth, wiping off the blood. "Yesterday was the first day it happened and I sort of forgot about the whole ordeal because my attention was focused on you instead."

Dean stared at her for a moment, before replying, "Do we have anymore in the house? Or do I need to go and buy one?"

"They should be in the medicine cabinet in the laundry room." She replied to him and watched him quickly leave the room going to retrieve the item.


"How much longer?" Dean whined.

Anastasia had taken the test, well multiple to be sure. And now the couple was sitting on the tile floor of the master bathroom waiting for the timer to go off to get the results. Dean was being very impatient, taking on the persona of a child waiting in line with their mother.

Before the angel could reply, the timer she had set on her phone went off. As she went to turn it off, Dean flipped over one of the tests, which was positive. Anastasia then flipped over the other two, which were also both positive.

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