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king of New Orleans

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king of New Orleans


They all saw a battlefield. Bloodied, dead bodies were strewn across the ground. Other body parts laid across the land as well. Bullets wheezed across the field back and forth. The sounds of shouting was the only noise that could be heard besides guns firing and the occasional grenade exploding.

They then saw Anastasia walk through the middle of the fire of bullets without a care in the world. The first bullet hit her, causing her to fly back and fall onto the ground.

Most of the Mikaelson's gasped in shock, thinking that she was dead. Meanwhile, Marcel and Kol watched with a knowing look.

"Ouch." She mumbled before she picked up the scrunched up bullet that had hit her and threw it to the ground, carelessly. She then stood up much to the shock of the soldiers. Dusting off her outfit, she watched as bullets repeatedly hit her all over.

But this time they did nothing.

Anastasia watched as a grenade had been launched from the enemy team--the group of soldiers that she didn't like-- and was heading towards the one's she did like.

She disappeared from the line of sight, before she reappeared next to one of the soldiers and caught the grenade with her hand. She began walking forwards before the grenade exploded in her hand, leaving her unscathed.

"How did that not harm her at all?" Hayley asked in shock. A grenade or bomb would blow anyone or anything to pieces.

At least that was what she thought.

"You are all so blind." Kol muttered, rolling his eyes.

Anastasia walked towards the men she had just saved, ignoring the screams of fright and confusion that were coming from the opposing side. Most of the soldiers she was approaching shrunk away in fear, but one spoke up.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked. The Mikaelsons immediately recognized the man as Marcel.

"She's an angel." One of the soldiers murmured, not actually thinking she was, but was more grateful for her saving them.

"Something like that. Leaning more towards the Devil though." The angel answered with a grin.

"That's how you two met?" Kol asked. "She saves you and calls my haircut horrifying." He scoffed.

"Someone seems jealous." Marcel taunted the original, earning a glare from the brunette vampire.

They were once again in New Orleans. The scenery looked the same as the memory they had seen when Anastasia had saved Kol. However, this time she saw walking down an empty street of the French Quarter, when she passed a building that was burning with raging flames.

And being the smart person that she was, she entered what was recognized as the Opera House. Her eyes then widened considerably when she saw Marcel bloody and hung up on a wheel, along with other dead bodies on the stage.

But from what she could notice, Marcel was still alive.

Before she could react, there was a noise from above and then a beam in the ceiling began collapsing on top of the stage. She quickly appeared below it and let it fall onto her hands that were above her head. She then pushed it up just as fast and broke the restraints that were binding Marcel and then she disappeared from sight, as did Marcel.

The two of them then appeared outside of the Opera House. Anastasia supports the majority of the vampire's weight.

"You are some guardian angel." The injured vampire mumbled.

Anastasia huffed out a laugh, "My dad's the devil, darling. Hardly a guardian.

"Were you ever going to tell us how you survived that night, Marcellus?" Elijah asked the vampire.

Marcel looked around as if he was thinking thoughtfully, before he replied. "Nope." He answered.

The next memory that they saw was still in New Orleans. However, it was later than it had been before. The city was rebuilt and the quarter wasn't the ash and rumble it had been reduced to because of Mikael.

They then saw Anastasia sitting in the compound that the Mikaelson's had once called home. The entire compound was filled with people--vampires--and Marcel hopped up onto the bar that was in the building and began to make an announcement.

"I thank you all for being here." He began. "For helping me rebuild the city of New Orleans. I couldn't have done it without you all. But I couldn't have done it without the woman who has saved my life not once...but twice. "He then looked towards Anastasia, who was sitting at the bar. "To Anastasia Morningstar!" He cheered and then downed his shot that he had.

"To Anastasia Morningstar!!" The rest of the vampires concurred.

" she that so-called Queen of New Orleans your vampires would talk about?" Davina questioned Marcel, earning a nod in response.

Anastasia was now sitting at the bar together. Both of them had a round of drinks in front of them. Some of the glasses were empty, others were not for Marcel. But all of the angel's were empty.

"So you're telling me that you really can't get drunk?" Marcel questioned. "At all?"

"Nope." Anastasia replied, popping the 'p'.

"What else can you do then?" He asked. The tone in his voice became rather playful and suggestive.

"A lot..." She responded before Marcel pulled her into a heated kiss.

"She really gets around." Rebekah remarked, sourly.


a/n: hello lovelies:) sorry for typos

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a/n: hello lovelies:) sorry for typos. anastasia and marcel. i'll update purity and insanity plea soon...i didn't have time to update them this weekend.

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stay safe love you lots<333

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