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{same outfit as previous chapters}

{same outfit as previous chapters}

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old friend


The group of four walked back into the Mikaelson Mansion howling with laughter, scaring the rest of the family as they did. Kol had his arm slung around his wife's shoulders, while Alaric did the same with Anastasia. The later pair confused the family because of the dynamic that was between the two of them. The way they acted seemed as if they were a couple, but how they talked to each other...it was clear they were not.

"I can't believe he did that!" Davina exclaimed as she was trying to catch her breath from laughing.

"But he did!" Anastasia shot back in between her fit of laughter. "He hung my first boyfriend off the balcony until the boy apologized for cheating on me!!!"

"And you wonder why that man still scares me shitless." Kol quipped out of breath.

"He's actually a cuddly teddy bear when you get to know him." Anastasia fired back at her best friend, causing the whole group to laugh at what had been said.

"You just compared him to a teddy bear!" Davina wheezed in between laughter.

"He is!!" Anastasia whined.

Then the group heard someone clear their throat, breaking up the group. They all looked over and saw the rest of the family standing there in one of the rooms.

"Fucking Hell." The brunette muttered. She really didn't want to see them...ever. "Greetings, Mikaelsons." She said to them, mockingly bowing, causing the three next to her to stifle their laughter, but failing.

"Way to be dramatic, Shortie." Ric whispered to her, everyone still hearing him.

"Thank you, I try." She said, leaning against her best friend more. Her statement made Kol snort in amusement.

"Stasia, hi." Rebekah greeted her friend, who she thought was still her friend. Anastasia simply nodded in acknowledgment. The girl really didn't want to talk to her past friend, seeing as she wasn't ever going to tell her about the cheating incident. The blonde had betrayed her trust and that was something that she didn't take lightly.

"Who are the new additions?" She then asked them, seeing two new faces.

"This is Freya, our long lost older sister." Elijah told her.

"I met her in town. It's nice to meet you again." She said to the older blonde.

"Then next to her is Keelin. She is Freya's wife."

"Nice to meet you too."

"And then this is..." Elijah began but was interrupted by Anastasia.

"Marcy!!" She exclaimed. "It's been a hell of a long time!" She said as she finally strayed away from Alaric and went over to give the man a hug.

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