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{same outfit as previous chapter}

{same outfit as previous chapter}

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angels & devils


The family had now gathered in a large room of the house. All but Ivy, who had been set to bed by her mother. Everyone else was situated on couches or chairs that were in the room.

Davina and Anastasia sitting next to each other so they could share their wine.

"Stasi, really?" Kol groaned. "Must you embarrass me!'

Anastasia laughed at her friend, "You're not the only one who is in these, Kol."

"But they're embarrassing." He whined.

"What like when you dressed up like Karen from Mean Girls?" The brunette angel asked innocently.

Davina stared at her husband, before bursting out laughing. "I wish I could've seen that!"

"Hey! I wasn't the only one!" Kol protested. "Ric dressed as Gretchen and you dressed up as Regina!" He said, pointing an accusing finger at the two of them, making another round of laughter break out among the kids and Davina.

"Then there was the time you both wore princess tiara for my birthday."

"And once again, we weren't the only ones!" Kol protested yet again. "Your father wore one as well!"

"The literal devil in a princess crown." Anastasia mused, sipping her wine. "That was definitely a sight to see."

"Devil?" Davina questioned, utterly confused.

"Oh, right! You don't know!" Ryder realized. She was the only one that had no clue about the origins of their family.

"Know what?"

"Let me just show you." Anastasia said, standing up from her couch. The wine glass was still in her hand as she made her way to a more open space in the room. Then in a matter of seconds, she unfurled her white wings.

Davina stared at them in awe as did Kol, seeing as he hadn't seen them in nearly two full decades. Davina, on the other hand, was in shock. She was an actual angel. Her wings were absolutely gorgeous. They were stunning.

But that didn't explain the dark vibes that her and Freya had felt.

Anastasia then retracted her wings, before heading back to the couch, tucking her legs back under herself, as she sat next to Davina again.

"But if you're an angel...then why does it seem like dark magic?' Davina questioned, still trying to wrap her head around the whole angel thing.

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