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{same outfit as last chapter}

{same outfit as last chapter}

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a very angry angel


"What do you think you are doing?!" A voice boomed throughout the room. It bounced of the walls of the room, making it sound louder than it actually was.

Anastasia whirled around, still supporting her husband's full weight with her body; however, he was slightly healed now. Her anger that had dissipated a little had now returned full force as she saw the hybrid standing there with Dean's blood staining his hands.

A dry and dark chuckle escaped her lips as the brown color of her eyes disappeared, turning pitch black with a red ring and black in the center. She smirked when she saw Klaus's eyes widen.

He had never seen her like this and it was safe to say that he was terrified by her new appearance.

She began circling around him like he was her prey, before she put Dean down by the wall, healing him a little more, so he now could function. She then turned her attention back towards Klaus, narrowing her dark eyes at him.

"How dare you!!!" She yelled at him, her eyes permanently black and red.

And they weren't changing back any time soon.

Before the hybrid could process what was happening, Anastasia hit the center of his chest with her heel's foot, hearing a few bones snap, as he went flying across the room.

Klaus quickly recovered from the impact, before he stared back at Anastasia, who had a crazed look in her pitch black and bright red eyes.

It was unnerving.

"Going after Dean?!" She screamed at him. "Do you have a death wish!!!!" She shouted at him. 

She then appeared next to him and shoved him in the chest, sending him flying across the room in the other direction. When he landed on the floor, she appeared next to him again, gripping him by the throat before slamming him into the hardwood flooring of the room. The impact caused the floor to splinter beneath him and the tiny shards to lodge themselves into the back of the vampire.

"You're screwed, man." Dean mumbled as he watched the scene unfold.

His words seemed to have angered Klaus as his eyes flashed amber and he attempted to sink his fangs into Anastasia's hand; however, it didn't work.

Nothing happened, instead it hurt him instead of her. Anastasia retracted her hand wiped it on her shirt, by accidentally giving him the opportunity to lunge for Dean.

He didn't get far.

Anastasia grabbed him by his left arm and spun him around a few times before tossing him upwards with great force and then watched him fly.

He went crashing through the ceiling above them, straight throw all the wood and other materials, making a hole clear through, the debris falling onto the hardwood floor of the room. It was then followed by Klaus a few moments later. He landed straight on a large support beam as it impaled him through his lower abdomen. His blood spluttering from the wound and splattering onto the floor.

Anastasia sat next to Dean, fully healing him as the couple watched Klaus get up after removing the wood from his stomach. Both finding the hybrid's pain rather amusing.

Klaus glared at the couple and was going to do something, but the angel once again disappeared from Dean's side and was in front of Klaus in a matter of seconds, wrapping her hand around his throat and hoisting him up into the air.

"What?" She questioned, before another dark chuckle escaped her lips. "Just because I'm happy now, you're trying to ruin it all? Haven't you caused enough damage already?"

Her grip then tightened around his neck as her perfectly manicured nails pierced into the flesh of his neck as his blood began to trickle down her fingers all the way to her wrist.

"That looks like it hurt, Mr. Mikaelson." She taunted with a smirk that would make her father proud.

But before she could do anything else, she heard yet another voice interrupting her.

Who wants to join the fun now?


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a/n: hello lovelies:) for me, this is technically a triple update. but it is also kind of short, but i like how it turned out more so yeah. i'm kind of tired so there might not be another update...i really need to learn to prioritize my health and stuff.

don't worry....she's just getting started. annie has a lot of pent up aggression towards the family.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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