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delusional uncle

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delusional uncle


A wide sadistic grin broke across her uncle's face. And as much as she was used to seeing the same grin on her father's face, the one she heard was much different.

It felt more hateful and evil. There was nothing charismatic or charming about it in the ways that her father would wear the same wicked smirk.

Michael wiped the blood off that was running from his mouth with the back of his hand before he spread his arms out in a mocking welcoming manner. "Dearest niece of mine..." He mused, but was cut off before he could finish as Anastasia landed a hard punch into his gut causing him to stumble backwards.

"My, my, my." Michael said, tutting his tongue after his statement. The foreign sounding American accent made Anastasia squirm in discomfort.

Oh how she wished she could be with the man that looked like Michael, her father, who had a nice English accent and made her feel welcomed and safe.

Anastasia scoffed in bitter annoyance. "One would expect that, seeing as the last time you saw me I was four!!!" She spat at him, landing another punch across his face as she dodged his attack. "Mind you that was almost thirteen billion years ago, you selfish bastard!!"

Ignoring the words that she said, Michael merely smirked. "You've taken after your father." He commented as he caught her next punch, bedding her hand backwards, causing her wrist snap, before letting it go and it immediately healed.

"Thanks for the compliment." Anastasia quipped with a genuine smile, before disappearing from his line of sight and then appearing behind him. He kicked him in the back sending him flying forwards and tumbling to the ground.

"Dirt looks good on you." She remarked.

Michael quickly got up and punched her in the throat, causing her to stumble backwards. He then landed a solid punch on her chest and watched as Anastasia went flying backwards, going through tree after tree.

Anastasia let her head slightly fall against the last broken tree trunk, slightly coughing in pain. She then heard Michael approaching, his shows crunching against the soil and leaves beneath them as she felt herself quickly healing.

"I just want you on my side." Michael commented, staring down at his injured niece, before hoisting her up by her neck, letting her dangle in the air.

"And leave me father?" Anastasia questioned, wrapping a hand around his wrist and squeezing it tightly. A satisfied smirk appeared on her face as she heard his bones breaking and she was released from his grip.

Once free from his grasp, she stood up straight, staring directly at her uncle.

"You really are delusional!!" 


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a/n: hello lovelies:) short chapter but i want my drama to unfold as soon as it can so here you all go. hope you enjoy.

please don't be a silent reader. vote and comment.

stay safe and love you lots<33

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