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i look just like my fucking dad

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i look just like my fucking dad


"Bloody hell." Anastaisa hissed in pain as she began pushing herself out of the large hole in the floor.

"Stasi!!" She heard someone yell, making her immediately begin to worry for the safety of the people that she cared about that were no doubt in this house.

Fighting with her psychotic uncle...another item she could add to her ever growing list of why she hates the Mikaelsons mansion.

Michael landed in front of her as she was still attempting to get up. His black angelic wings were still on full display to the vampires and other occupants of the home.

"So that's the famous Kol Mikaelson?" Michael mused as he glanced from his recovering niece to the original vampire, who was standing to an unbelievably attractive woman. A sinister smirk formed on his face as he formulated an idea and he went to lunge for Kol.

But he didn't get far.

"Stay away from him!!!" Anastasia yelled at her uncle as she had a tight grip around his waist before she pulled him backwards with a lot of force, making him go crashing into a wall of the home. A large dent and cracks left on the once perfect white wall.

The Mikaelsons gasped in shock as they saw how angry she seemed to be towards her father, completely oblivious to the fact that it wasn't her father and was indeed the angel, Michael. They were just glad that they weren't on the receiving end of her aggression this go around.

"You know..." Michael began, his atrocious accent making the other angel roll her eyes as he spoke. "I expected you to be a lot weaker." He commented as he was now looking down as his niece from where the two stood in front of each other, glaring at each other.

"What can I say?" Anastasia mused as her eyes turned black and red once again, shrugging simultaneously. "I take after my father. Letting me fall through a roof wasn't going to hurt me, much less kill me."

"We'll see about that." The older archangel sneered at her, quickly getting annoyed with her stubborn and taunting demeanor towards him and his grand plan.

"Oh we will." Anastasia concurred, letting her wings unfurl behind her before she slammed her uncle into the wall yet again, holding him there by his throat.

They gaped as they saw her wings. Never had they once actually believed her to be an angel even after all those times she had told them that she was, much less actually have wings attached to her back.

And they were beautiful...

"Oh I know, but this will." Michael commented as he pulled out a demon blade, making her eyes widen in shock.

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