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"You know they can hear you." Astrid hissed at her sister, trying to be somewhat nice not wanting to antagonize the dickish and self absorbed vampires. But then again, she also found what her sister was saying and her complete disregard for their emotions and feelings very amusing.

"Well aware." Athena commented with a grin as she saw the hopeful faces on the Mikaelsons fall. She loved seeing them upset and angry, it made her very self satisfied. If she was going to have to talk to them, then she was going to take every opportunity to hurt their feelings.

"So can the questions commence soon, because I'm hungry." Astrid whined, making Athena stifle her laughter against her sister's shoulder.


"What are your opinions on us?" Rebekah questioned.

"That is a very broad question." Astrid stated.

"But we don't like any Mikaelson in this room." Athena finished off.

"Why not?" The blonde vampire asked the two twins.

"Is that a question you really want us to answer?" They spoke in unison as their eyes flashed amber, with red and black lines branched from their irises.

"Never mind then." The blonde meekly whispered, frightened of her two nieces, who didn't even consider her their aunt.

"Then what do you deem of Hope?" Elijah then hesitantly asked, expecting the twins' answer about Hope to be rude and all sorts of hatred towards her.

The two twins looked at each other before looking back at the Mikaelsons. "Hope is cool, I have no clue how she is your daughter." Athena mused with a smirk, making Klaus glare at her.

In that moment, one could almost tell that he was her father.

But to her, he sure as hell was not.

"Can you at least give us a chance?" Klaus then questioned, breaking away from the heated glare he had set upon the oldest twin.

"I don't know...I mean you left my mom. You left me and Athena. You also left my two older brothers who saw you as a father...and what? Now you want to just forget all that and be a happy family?" Astrid questioned.

Klaus heaved out a defeated sigh, before glancing to Anastasia with a pleading look. One that used to make her give in to practically, now it just pissed her off.

"Look." Anastasia began. "It's up to them. I won't force them to do it or not to do it. I would never make them do anything like that."

"He's their father. They have to give him a chance." Hayley retorted, not seeing what the big deal was.

"Correction." Athena chimed in. "Klaus was a father to Hope. He never was a father to us. Our father is Dean, he has been since he came into our lives."

Enraged, Klaus began to speak, "He's not your..."

He was quickly cut off by a furious Athena.

"He is!!" She exploded, jumping up from where she had been sitting, completely ignoring the pleading look from both her twin and mom not to do anything rash. "He is our father. A better father than you could ever be to us!! And if you ever want any type of relationship with us, you need to accept that."

Astrid then grabbed her hand to give her twin some reassurance, completely agreeing with what she was saying and wanted to let her know that she was there for her.

"But that is all we can ever even think of giving you."


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a/n: hello lovelies:) triple update for no apparent reason. at the current moment, the more i write, the more it distracts me from the whole little anxiety attack earlier tonight.

anyway, please don't be a silent reader. vote and comment.

stay safe and love you lots<33

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