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{same outfit as previous chapter}

{same outfit as previous chapter}

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bear traps


Anastasia focused her attention on her husband, hoping that she would be able to zero in on his location.

And she did.

Her wedding ring briefly glowed gold as she did so, before she disappeared from beside the wrecked Chevy Impala. She then reappeared in another location. Looking up at where she landed, anger rippled within her as her eyes uncontrollably stayed black and red.

In front of her were the doors of the Mikaelson Mansion.

Of course she ended up here. Of course she did.


The angry angel marched up to the white front doors of the mansion and slammed her left heel against it. The door was ripped off of its hinge as it went flying into the home, colliding with the wall on the entry area, leaving a sizable dent in the wall. 

She smirked at the sight.

She heard gasps and turning towards them, she saw Freya and her wife Keeling gaping at her as wine glasses resided in their hands.

Anastasia scrunched nose. "Oops. Sorry, my darlings." She told them, mockingly, before she continued down the hallway of the home she once loved, which she hated.

Now all it brought her was pain and anger.

Lots and lots of anger.

She had quickly reappeared and disappeared all around the house. She had checked every bedroom and other room, before she wound up in the one room she knew she should have expected to find her husband in.

The room that she had seen Damon tortured in as he was hung up with bear traps.

And much like the raven-haired vampire, Dean was in the same position.

Oh, how much she was going to make Klaus Mikaelson pay.

Painfully and slowly.

He was in for a world of hurt.


Bear traps were digging into his wrist, causing blood to run down his forearms, dripping onto the floor. His arms were then lined in an assortment of cuts, some small, while others looked deep and continued to have crimson blood oozing out of them. His toned torso and chest seemed to have suffered the same fate, but an addition of bruises were littered across it. And he no doubt had a few broken ribs. His eyes were closed, as one of them was swollen shut, while the other had bruising underneath it. There was a large gash near his hairline, matched by his busted lip as blood ran covering his bottom lip and trickled down his chin and neck.

Anastasia gasped in shock and pain at the sight of him.

She quickly rushed over towards him. "Dean." She questioned. Her voice was shaky and broken. She knew he couldn't die, but seeing like this, she couldn't help but feel worried. "Dean." She questioned again.

She sighed in relief when she heard him groan. "I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" Anastasia reassured him.

As she was undoing the first trap around his wrist, Dean spoke. "It's a little kinky, don't you think? Even for us."

Anastasia huffed out a pitiful laugh as she undid the second one and his body collapsed into her arms. She then placed her hand on his heart and was beginning to heal him, when she heard a voice that made her want to maim the person.

And she couldn't wait to do so.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) short ass chapter. sorry. i'll update again and it will be longer. and i can't wait to write the next chapter. 

annie is pissed...and so am i...

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe friends. love you lots babes<3

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