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{same outfit as last chapter}

{same outfit as last chapter}

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big sister

Even with all the drama that the family knew was coming, whether it be with the mysterious and threatening letters or the infuriating pompous family of vampires, they still managed to be happy at a time like this.

And no, it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.

They knew that even in a small cherished moment like the one they were living through right now was bound to entail something. The prolonged peace they had once had disappeared the instant the Mikaelson.

But how could they not be happy at a time like this?


Anastasia was walking around catching up with all her friends and family, seeing as the majority of them had been off doing their own thing and had been unreachable.

"Thank you for doing this, my beautiful babies." Anastasia thanked her children, knowing that it was no doubt their idea.

"It was my idea." Lizzie chriped, feeling proud of herself. However, she earned a small jab to the side from one of her sisters. Sending a lazy glare towards Athena, she corrected herself. "Our. I meant our idea."

The brunette angel chuckled. "Of course it was." She mused, before placing a kiss on each of their heads and embracing them all in a hug.

Her attention then turned towards her two oldest and their significant others.

"Magnus, it's so nice to see you again." She told the young adult, who had his hand intertwined with Maverick's.

He was aware of what the family was. Of what everyone member of the family was. And it was a plus side, that he too, was a part of the supernatural community, seeing as he was an immortal warlock. And he got along great with the rest of the family.

"And miss free alcohol and partying?" Magnus jokes, before he was pulled into a hug by the angel. "It's nice to see you too, Mama Lucifer." He told her after the brief hug.

"Rory!" Anastasia then, excited to see the petite brunette by her son's side. The young girl seemed to be one of the only people who could keep up with her twin son and his avid reading and snarky comments and flaring temper.

"Mama, A!!" The girl said back just as enthusiastically.

She too, like Magnus and the rest of the family, was from the Supernatural community. Instead of being a witch though, she was a nephilim. And yes, breeding between human and angel was frowned upon by many, including the rest of Rory's family. However, Anastasia had welcomed the young girl to her school with open arms, seeing as her children could be considered nephilim...well at least Ivy.

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