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{same outfit as last chapter}

{same outfit as last chapter}

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bloody hell a baby


"CONGRATULATIONS!!" They all chorused.

Anastasia's eyes widened in shock as her hand flew over her mouth in shock.

Everyone she loved and cared about was here in the Grill, making happy tears began to slip from her eyes, plus the normal occupants on the place as well.

She then saw her favorite trench coated angel, her uncle, Castiel. Next to him stood her brother-in-law, Sam. A little away from them resided her two favorite demons. One was completely clad in skin tight black leather, which was Mazikeen. The other one was dressed in a sort of disheveled suit, which was Crowley. Next to them was the familiar blonde detective, Chole. And next to her was her daughter, Trixie. And the last of the demon and angel clan was her other uncle that she talked to, Amenediel.

Then there were her kids.

Maverick and Ryder were both standing next to each other. And next to her oldest Maverick, stood his boyfriend, who was practically family at this point. Ryder then had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend's shoulders, who was also family to the Morningstar's at this point.

Then there was Athena and Astrid who were standing around the same area as Maze and Crowley. Ivy was resting on Athena's back as Astrid and Crowley were making comments about the outfits that some people were wearing in the Grill, making both Athena, Ivy, and Maze try to contain their amusement.

Josie and Lizzie were standing by their father, smiling at their mother. Neither of the twins had a significant other with them like their brothers. However, Anastasia did know that both of the twins had been interested in people they had been seeing, but they had told their mom that things weren't serious yet.

Anastasia mumbled something under her breath, unsure of what she should even say to all them. Her news was meant to be a happy surprise for her family and now they were giving her a surprise. It made her overjoyed.

"Little Lucifer!!" She heard someone say. The next thing she knew was that she was being engulfed in a hug by Maze. "Congrats on the baby!" Mazikeen told her, enthusiastically as they pulled away from the hug.

"It seems that you and Dean-o here really smash it straight into pou-"

"Don't you dare finish that statement!" Anastasia interrupted, quickly, making both Maze and Dean laugh.

"Your favorite is now here." She heard Crowley say as he shoved Maze out of the way.

Dean groaned at the sight of the demon, making Crowley send him a glare. "No one is overly fond of you either, squirrel." The demon spoke, making Anastasia stifle her laughter before pulling her friend into a hug.

"Thank you for coming." She told him, before they pulled away.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, even if we are celebrating the fact that you bred with....that." Crowley spoke, sending a distasteful look towards Dean after looking him up and down.

Before Dean could retaliate, a voice caught their attention.

"Bloody hell!!" A voice sounded behind the group, making Anastasia whip around. "I do hope I'm not too late." The person spoke in an amused tone as a smirk made its way to their face.


Anastasia then quickly made her over to him and engulfed her father into a hug. He was quick to reciprocate and wrap his arms around his daughter.

"I missed you, my little devil." He told her, placing a kiss on top of her hair.

"Missed you too, dad." She mumbled into the hug.


Moments had passed since Lucifer had joined the party.

Everyone was talking about how excited they were for the couple, as well as sharing stories of what had happened in the past months. The demons and angels easily have the most intriguing of them; however, they had to make sure to omit some parts so eavesdroppers and onlookers wouldn't freak out.

There was then the clinking of a glass, causing the group and the majority of the rest of the occupants of the Mystic Grill to look towards the noise.

"If I could all have your attention please." Lucifer began. "I could give a long speech about how much my little girl means to me and how happy I am to have grandchildren and a loving family...."

"We all know he talks enough to do so." Anastasia muttered quietly, earning a few quiet chuckles.

"But that is all pretty self explanatory. And if it isn't, then I have a lovely therapist you can all go to." He then cleared his throat. "Anyways, to the new baby Winchester-Morningstar!" He toasted, drinking his bourbon from his glass, everyone a part of their group following in suit with their preferred alcoholic beverage.

Well...besides Anastasia....who was stuck drinking apple juice, much to her dismay.

"To the new baby Winchester-Morningstar!" 


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a/n: hello lovelies:) sorry that it took a bit to get out and that it is kind of short. i was just very very unmotivated to write today and still am. during school, i was all pumped and was planning on updating a lot and then i got home and crashed onto my bed and then BAM no motivation....sorry. that also means that this is going to be the only update for the night. I am so so sorry. I just don't want to to give ya'll crap writing just to update again...but don't worry, tomorrow i'll update at least two times.

once again...i apologize to those who were looking for multiple updates tonight.

but on a happier note, luci is here...which means drama can now officially happen...and yes, he knows about the accidents that have been happening, he just hasn't had a chance to talk to annie and the rest about it.

i'm also going to be adding face claims in the author's note next chapter for the new characters in the chapter, as well as trixie.

what do ya'll want to happen?

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. sorry again and love you very much<3

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