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the hunter husband

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the hunter husband


"Sammy!! Behind you!" She heard a man yell as soon as she reappeared. She then saw a demon behind a man that was insanely tall and had long hair that covered his slightly larger than normal ears.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you?" Anastasia whispered in a sing-song voice as she appeared behind the demon, putting him a choke hold. She then placed her hand on his temple. Black smoke made its way from the man's mouth towards the ground, before the body disappeared into a blinding gold light, sending the human back to the place they belonged, fully healed and without recollection of what had happened.

"What in the bloody hell are those?" Rebekah exclaimed. The only time she had been such black was about a few months ago when Anastasia had beat their asses. However, the brunette's black smoke didn't enter their bodies, she only manipulated it.

The brunette then turned towards the rest of the demons. It was easily a group of twenty or thirty, maybe more. All of which slunk back in fear as soon as they saw her, making a smirk appear on her face. But before she decided to deal with them, she surveyed what was going on around her.

She saw a man dead on the ground in a trench coat. She immediately recognized him to be Castiel. The man she viewed as an uncle or sorts, seeing as he was one of the only angels who still tolerated her father. Then she saw the moose looking at her in shock. Her gaze then fell to another man. One who was seemingly more attractive than the other. After she subtly checked him out, she then turned her attention to the demons, who had all taken defensive positions.

"Possession has been banned for years!" Her voice boomed.

"Uh oh." Kol mumbled. "The mom's voice. They should be scared."

"You should all know that." She then told them, tilting her head to the side as her irises turned red and the rest of her eyes turned black, matching the color of her pupils.

"We're sorry." One of them spoke up as he quivered in fear.

"No, we're not! Who does this bitch think she is anyway?!" A female one spoke up as she lunged for Anastasia.

However, Anastasia was faster as she appeared in front of the female demon and wrapped her neatly manicured hand around her throat. Her nails pierced into her flesh. The blood running down her fingers.

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