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{same outfit as last chapter}

{same outfit as last chapter}

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angry best friend


"Since when were you friends?" Klaus asked, jealousy seeping out.

"Since after you undaggered me." Kol replied. It was partially the truth at least. They had been friends before that, but Klaus didn't have to know that.

In his mind, it was really simple.

His older brother was being a jealous little shit. He was getting annoyed over the littlest things. Like why would he care that after all this time thinking Anastasia was dead, that Kol wanted to hang out with him now.

It pissed Kol off.

"Why didn't the rest of us get an invite?" Rebekah asked, genuinely hurt that her best friend had been ignoring her since she had been back. The brunette hadn't even made an effort to talk to her. And to be frank, it broke the blonde's heart a lot.

"Maybe because I didn't abandon her." Kol snarked back, ignoring the looks he was getting from his family.

"You did leave though." Rebekah retorted.

Kol scoffed. "I was dead, Bekah. D-E-A-D. Dead." Kol then paused. "It's not like I had much of a choice in the matter."

"We didn't do anything wrong." Rebekah protested.

"Rebekah is right. We needed to go to New Orleans to protect our family. Family above all, you know that brother." Elijah inputted, agreeing with his sister.

"Didn't you always call Stasi a part of this fucked up family? Didn't you, my oh so noble brother, give her word that you would never leave her? And didn't you, Bekah, always tell her that you would always put her first? That you wouldn't ever abandon her?" Kol asked them, getting fed up with them acting like they were innocent.

Because they weren't.

None of them were.

"She is a part of this family, Kol." Elijah responded, slightly raising his voice.

"And do you normally just leave your family without an explanation? Just one moment there making false promises and then the next disappearing without so much as a text or a phone call?

"How do you-?" Rebekah began to ask, but was interrupted.

"You mean, how did I know all this when I was dead? The Other Side is very boring, sister." Kol then paused, "Which by the way, I love how much you seemed to care that I was a burnt corpse when you went galivanting to find the cure. Props to being family on that one, Bekah."

"Brother, these are past notions. These do not matter anymore." Elijah told Kol, only fueling his anger.

"And it didn't seem like you cared all that much either, Elijah." Kol addressed his brother. "I never once watched you shed a tear after your dear younger brother died at the hands of Little Gilbert." Kol then stood up from where he was seated, ignoring the looks he was getting from the rest of the family that was watching. "Nik was the only one who seemed to care in the slightest. He at least wanted to avenge me, which was something."

All of them looked down ashamed, knowing that it was the truth about his death, even though they didn't want to admit it. Nor would they ever admit it.

Kol then walked over to Klaus. "Good on you for slightly giving a shit about me." He then mockingly patted his brother on the back and then began walking towards the door.

"Kol, where are you going?" Freya asked. She felt bad for him. She knew that her family seemed to always leave Finn and Kol out. And since Finn had lost his chance to be a part of the family due to his death, she needed to make sure that Kol was going to be a part of it.

"I am going to get my wife from the library and then I'll go pick up a nice bottle of wine. Then after that, I am going to go and spend time with my best friend and her family." Kol said, opening the door. "So if you would excuse me." He sassed.

Then the door slammed shut, leaving a stunned family behind.


Anastasia was rushing around her kitchen along with Maverick. Her eldest helped her cook food for dinner. At least one, maybe two of her kids, would always help her when she cooked dinner. But oftentimes, they did get takeout.

"Hey, Josie, Lizzie." Anastasia called out.

"Yes, mom?" The two responded in unison.

"Can you set the table for dinner, please?" She asked them.

The two of them nodded, before they divided up the work. Lizzie took the plates, water cups, and wine glasses. While she did that, Josie did the utensils, filling the glasses, and the napkins.

Then there was a knock at the door.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) to me this is a triple update since I have yet to sleep yet and it is like two ish in the morning I think.

it has bothered me so much that when kol died in tvd, none of his family seemed to care, so i voiced my opinions through here. anyone agree with me?

i have been switching between writing this book and reading verity by colleen hoover, which damn is that a good book. i am about half way through.

book recommendations if you have any? either on wattpad or hard copy?

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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