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head bashing

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head bashing


Taking a deep breath, she then exhaled as she stared before the door that seemed to lead to a place that only brought her bad memories and pain. "Well, here goes nothing." She muttered to herself, hoping to gain some kind of reassurance.

Waiting for the door to open, she anxiously tapped her foot against the ground beneath her. All she wanted to do right now was be home with her husband and Silas, but per the Mikaelsons request, she was here so they all could make amends.

Just as she was about to walk away, talking herself out of talking to the vampires she once considered family, the door opened, revealing Elijah Mikaelson.

"Anastasia..." Elijah greeted her.

She ignored his greeting and looked past his head into the house, "You said you all wanted to have a peaceful conversation, so I'm here."


Anastasia was now situated on a chair in the Mikaelson living room. She had sent her husband a quick message, making sure everyone was okay with the recent threats from her uncle. Thankfully, they were.

Not liking the awkward tension, she pulled a flask from her jacket and took a large swig from it, ignoring the glances she was getting from the vampires.

"You wanted to talk. So talk." Anastasia told all of them in a demanding tone as the sound of metal on metal clinked from her screwing the lid back on her flask.

"Why are you angry with us?" Rebekah questioned.

A low whistle escaped Anastasia's lips. "Straight into it then, but I have explained it all already." She then took a deep breath as she noticed that they weren't happy with her answer.

Think happy thoughts.

"Rebekah. You were not going to tell me that Klaus and Hayley were fucking while we were engaged." She began, blatantly ignoring the gasps she heard from them due to her blunt terminology of the fact. After all, it wasn't like she cared anymore, it was all in the past and she was happily married. "But you promised that you would always tell the truth and that there would never be any secrets between us, but we all know how that went."

Anastasia sighed in annoyance as she saw the heartbroken look on Rebekah's face. Instead of comforting her, she opened her flask and took another swig.

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