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angel vs. freight train


The couple was heading back home after their little rendezvous.

Both of them were still on edge about the whole letter they had received, the so-called accident that had happened to their youngest, and the group of creatures that tried killing their four oldest.

Something was clearly happening to the family and they weren't sure if they would be able to stop it.

It may have been a couple of weeks since those first two issues had happened, but it still alarmed them. The main fact was them wondering who was doing it.

Who had such a grudge against Lucifer that they were taking revenge out upon innocent children?

"So when are we going to tell the kids?" Dean asked, changing the topic from the inner thoughts they both were clearly having.

"I don't know." Anastasia replied, running her hand across the side door of the Chevy Impala they were in.

She had really grown to love this car.

"I was hoping to tell everybody at the same time, you know? With my father here and Maze. Cass. Crowley."

Dean groaned at the last time. "Do we have to have him there?" He groaned.

"He's my best friend....well one of them anyways." The angel replied.

"But why?" Dean whined like a child.

"Because." Was all Anastasia replied.


Dean had parked the car in the driveway of their home. Both of them got out of the car; Dean being a gentleman and opening up his wife's door.

When they got to the front door, they saw a bright orange paper posted on it from a distance. At first, they thought it was an eviction notice or a bill or something. But as they got closer, they realized there were only a few sentences on the page....written in perfectly inked cursive.

"My my my, how time flies when you are plotting revenge and mayhem. Sorry about poor Ivy, she seems like such a cute the way....have you checked in on those darling siphoners of yours and their father?"

---Have fun playing hero little one

Anastasia immediately began to panic and disappeared from beside her husband in a matter of seconds, fearing for the worst of her two twin daughters and her best friend that had been with her ever since she became to town.

When she materialized into view to where her three family members were, she saw them on a train crossing on the road.

However, they weren't moving.

Instead, they were screaming for help as she watched them struggle against some unknown force keeping them there. The angel even watched as Alaric tried to use his magic, but to no avail.

Anastasia quickly rushed over towards them and tried to get to them to move...but nothing happened. They were stuck and a train was barreling down the tracks, the headlights coming into view.

The mother then took notice of her daughter's tears. She quickly pulled both girls into a hug. "Nothing is going to happen to any of you. I promise." She then let go of them and faced the train, walking down the tracks with every intent of stopping it from hitting her best friend and her two kids.

But here was the problem...she had only ever stopped a large SUV or truck before--never a full blown train.

"What the hell. Here goes nothing." She mumbled as she continued to run down the tracks until she was a few meters away from the train.

In a matter of seconds, it collided with her, pushing against her. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." She screamed over and over again and she realized nothing was happening and it was still going at full force towards her loved ones.

Her eyes turned black and her irises were glowing bright red with fury. Her wings unfurled as she tried to stop it from coming...but nothing.

"No. No. No." She repeated over and over again.

This wasn't supposed to be happening.

She was supposed to be able to stop it. She knew she could stop it. It was like something was preventing her from being able to.

"Okay...Plan C." She whispered.

Then she got an idea, she quickly appeared right next to the three of her family members and wrapped her wings around the three of them, completely covering them from anything that might hurt them.

Then she braced for the impact.


In a few seconds, she felt the train collide with her as she was knocked off the train tracks with all three of her loved ones. She looked them over and realized that they were all unharmed.

Sighing in relief, she then pulled all three of them into a hug with one thought on her mind.

She was going to kill whoever was doing this to them....even if it was the last thing she ever did.


a/n: hello lovelies:) double update

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a/n: hello lovelies:) double update. kind of a shitty chapter if you ask me. I am not a huge fan, but hey...hope you guys enjoy it. might try for a triple update.

drama. that is all it is. drama.

what do ya'll want to happen?

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

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