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twins or two bitches

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twins or two bitches


"And behold us is Hellville." Athena mused as her and her twin were standing in front of the Mikaelson mansion.

"Thena, maybe we don't have to enter it. We could just not go in." Astrid suggested and then began to turn around and walk away from the doomed mansion.

Athena whipped around and saw her younger twin walking away from her. "Pussy." She mumbled to herself before stalking over towards Astrid and grabbed her arm, pulling her back towards the door.

"I'm serious." Astrid whined. "We really don't have to go in."

"Maybe we don't." Athena said with a mocking thoughtful expression on her face. "Actually, on second thought..." She then shoved Astrid forward, sending her crashing through the door. "We do." She commented as she did so, but Astrid grabbed her arm, sending both twins tumbling to the ground on top of the now broken door.

"You're such a botch." Athena groaned in pain.

"Likewise, twinsie." Astrid agreed, groaning in pain as well. The two girls then fist bumped in agreement before they let their heads fall onto the ground. However, they quickly shot up when they heard a very familiar person clear their throat.

"She did it!" They shouted in unison, pointing fingers at each other when they saw their mother.

Anastasia's phone then dinged again before any of the three could say anything. Dean had sent an adorable picture of Silas, making both twins jump up from where they were seated and beg to see the phone, wanting to see their little brother.

"Aww, Silas. You're so adorable. If only Athena had been as cute as you." Astrid commented with a grin.

"You're such a bitch." Athena replied, swiping her leg beneath her twin, making her fall onto the ground again. "Looking good, sis." She then commented with two thumbs up and a large grin, but was quickly wiped off of her face when Astrid chanted a spell and made her fall to the ground as well. "I fucking hate you." She groaned in annoyance.

"You know you should really learn to watch your language, because if you don't you will curse in front of Silas, you fucking idiot." Astrid whispered to her sister. She then paused with a dumbfounded look on her face. "Wait...hold...oopsies." She mused, realizing that she cursed.

"Ohhh...hi?" Athena then said as she finally took notice of the Mikaelsons that she didn't like.

"Mommmm...." The two then whined in sync. "Why are we here?" They asked.

"To walk with them." Anastasia responded. "It was in the text message I sent you both."

Sighing in annoyance, Athena collapsed onto an empty couch that was in the room, adjacent to the chair Anastasia had previously been sitting in before she got up.

"Welcome to Hell." She mused before blowing a raspberry.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) double update. haven't done one of those in a hot minute. it's kind of short ngl, but i'm just trying to distract myself from something, so yeah....

please don't be a silent reader. vote and comment.

stay safe and love you lots<333

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