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{same outfit as previous chapters}

{same outfit as previous chapters}

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bastard brother


Her hand was still wrapped around the man's throat as she turned her head towards the voices that had spoken up. Her eyes were still in their true form, staying their unnerving black and red.

The eyes of the people who had just entered their room widened as they stepped back at the sight of how she looked. Never had they once seen her so merciless and angry. Nor had they ever seen the way her eyes looked when they weren't the usual soft brown everyone had been accustomed to.

"Anastasia?!" Hayley and Rebekah asked. The two were frightened at what they saw.

The room was in disarray. Her eyes looked as if she had no remorse from her actions. And blood was dripping down the full length of her arm, staining the light cream colored stain shirt she had been wearing.

"Anastasia...."Elijah warned. "I advise you to please calm down."

She didn't listen to what the vampire had to say. Her grip remained strong on the hybrid that was still suspended in the air by her right hand.

"Did you know what he was doing?" She asked him, before she broadened her scope towards the other members that were standing there. "Did all of you know?"

Rebekah, Elijah, and Hayley averted their gaze from the murderous expression. Staring into the void of her eyes sent chills down their spine.

"We-" Rebekah began to speak, hoping to explain her actions.

"DID YOU ALL KNOW?!!" Her voice boomed as her grip tightened around Klaus' neck, making him struggle even more as his air supply was almost completely restricted. They all could have swore that they saw a deformed black face flicker across her face. But it disappeared just as quickly.

They must have imagined it.

"Anastasia-" Elijah began.

The angel simply scoffed at what he had said. "And you call yourself the noble one!"


"NO!" She interrupted him again. "Dean has done nothing to you! I have done nothing to you! My family and everyone I care about has done nothing to you!" She yelled at all of them.

"And we are deeply sorry for our actions." Elijah stated calmly.

And then she snapped.

She flicked the wrist of the hand that was holding Klaus and he went flying across the room, crumpling onto the floor after the impact with the wall.

"BULLSHIT!!" Anastasia screamed at them. The room of the house began to shake. Small cracks began to form on the walls as painting began to fall off of it. "YOU AREN'T SORRY!! IF YOU HAD WERE SORRY, YOU WOULD HAVE APOLOGIZED ALL THOSE YEARS AGO!! YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET YOUR ABUSIVE BASTARD BROTHER TORTURE MY HUSBAND AND THE FATHER OF MY CHILDREN!!!"


They were all silent as the walls continued to shake as if an earthquake was taking place. Her eyes blazed with fury as she stared at the group of Mikaelsons, ignoring the groans of pain from the hybrid in the corner in the room.

However, her words were ignored, which only fueled her anger even more.

"Anastasia, if you go after our brother, we will have to-" Elijah began, but was once again cut off.

A humorless chuckle escaped her lips. "You'll have to do what, Elijah? Stop me?" She then fake gasped. "Kill me?" She then questioned with a fake pout.

"Stasia, we don't want to do that." Rebekah finally spoke up, making black eyes meet the blonde's eyes, which made the vampire flinch back.

"Taking on a newbie vampire is easy, Anastasia. You don't want to do this. We don't want to have to do this to you." Elijah spoke up, trying to ignore the lingering thought that she wasn't actually a vampire.

A smirk made its way to her face as she sent a quick glance to Dean, who winked at her, knowing what she was about to do.

"Oh, but I do." Anastasia spoke with a grin.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) don't have much to say. hope you enjoy this because it was very fun to write.

annie is finally letting her emotions go as she is about to beat all their asses.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

love you lots<3

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