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the parent trap before kidnappings

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the parent trap before kidnappings


A happy and content month had passed by as the Morningstar family had once again returned to their normal dynamic. One that they had had before everyone, specifically the Mikaelsons, had blew into the small town of Mystic Falls.

Anastasia was promptly avoiding the Mikaelson after they had claimed that they wanted to be civil. After all, it was her way of being civil towards them. Because frankly, if she ended up in a near proximity of them, there was not going to be any sort of peace between the two families.

Silas was now three months old. He had given his first smile, which Anastasia had been freaking out and gushing over since that moment.

However, all good things must come to an end.


Alaric and Anastasia were joking around in their office, completely distracted from the paperwork they should have been doing for the school. It wasn't like anyone could tell them off for not doing it, seeing as they ran the school and there wasn't an authority figure hovering over them.

"I did not need that idea in my head, Ric!!!!!!" Anastasia shrieked in disgust and horror in between her laughter.

Her best friend had just compared the situation between the two twin archangels, Michael and Lucifer, to the movie The Parent Trap. The movie was thoroughly enjoyed by the Morningstar family, Ric included, and constantly frequented the rotation of films that would be played during family movie night.

He had then gone on to say that if one of the twins wasn't evil, the real evil twin being Michael in this situation, then Michael and Lucifer could have done the who switch thing on purpose, not like how Michael had forcefully done it in Los Angeles.

And then as the conversation went on and on, Anastasia building on and adding to what he said and then Ric doing the same to what she would add on, the two had ended up coming to the conclusion that identical twins could easily switch up who would have sex with someone and it would be labeled as something misguided kink.

The thought made Anastasia shudder. Thank her grandfather that her kids were fraternal and she never had to ever think of either of the three sets doing something like that. Not that she would ever want to even remotely come close to even thinking of anything like that.

Before Ric could reply to what she said, the office doors went swinging open as Ryder busted through them.

Anastasia immediately took notice of his appearance. For one, Maverick was not by his side, and the two older twins were practically inseparable. Never straying far from the other if they had a choice in the matter. Ryder then had a busted lip and a gash on the top of his forehead, right below his hairline. His normally styled hair was disheveled, looking as if he had been running his hand through it one to many times. Blood was also seeping through onto his shirt from wounds that she could not see.

"Mom!!!" Ryder shouted, breaking her from surveying the damage that had been done to her soon. "Something happened!!!"

Anastasia was now more panicked than she was before. She walked towards him and grabbed his two hands with her own, watching the injuries he had sustained heal.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay now? Are the others okay?" She spewed out question after question in complete and utter panic.

"I'm fine, mom. The others are fine too." Ryder began, making her sigh in relief. However her breath then hitched in her throat and her eyes shifted towards her devilish mannerisms when she heard his next words.

"But Mav is missing! Someone took him!"


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a/n: hello lovelies:) this note is going to be kind of long but it actually had important stuff in it, so please stick it out and read it cause otherwise some stuff might not make sense later on.

this story is clearly a mix between supernatural and lucifer. with that, there are many different plots that could be taken from each show. for instance, the way god is going to be portrayed, whether god will have a sister or not, the difference between angels and archangels, the way the angels are portrayed, etc.

because of that, i have been trying my best to clear everything up within the story, but even with that i have been receiving many frequented questions about different aspects through messages on here and in the comments. 

1. cain- someone asked which cain i was basing the twins father off of. the answer is both. the looks of the father is the pierce from lucifer, seeing as the one from spn isn't someone annie would go for. however, the powers that mav and ryder have are based off of the powers that cain and other demons had in spn.

2. anastasia's powers- i am well aware that she seems sort of overpowered, but that's not the point. someone asked what her powers are like and if i based them off of someone. i did. i sort of made her like amara, god's sister from spn, plus some other stuff. 

3. angel blades- look, i know anatasia technically would have died in spn if an angel blade went through her, seeing as they should kill angels and archangels alike, but where is the fun in that. the only thing that can kill her is the hell forged demon blades that mazikeen had brought from hell with her and other ones like those.

hope all is cleared up now. if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. i am more than happy to answer them.

also, i am about to majorly fuck with the plot of lucifer and supernatural so bare with me as i do that in the upcoming chapters.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<333

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