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twin demons

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twin demons


Anastasia was wrapped up in her husband's arms as she cried silent tears into his chest. She had never wanted to be reminded of the early memories of her past. The ones of being sent to Hell with her father and then all the others ones that she knew the Mikaelsons didn't see but she had relieved herself.

Dean whispered sweet nothings and words of reassurance into her ear as he tried to keep her comfort and calm her down.

But it didn't seem to be helping.


The Mikaelsons were disorientated from the sudden movement of being thrust out of her mind. Using it to her advantage, Freya quickly knocked back Klaus and pulled her wife from his grip. The two women then clung onto each other in fear of what was going to happen.

They all then heard a loud sigh of annoyance.

Turning their heads, they all saw Maverick and Ryder sitting on the couch in the main room that was adjacent to where they all were standing.

Both boys were leaning against the back of the couch in a rather relaxed position. Their feet were propped up on the coffee table before them; one foot crossed over the other.

They then both blinked their eyes in sync and reopened them. When they did, they were completely white. Their heads then tilted to the side at the same time, sending a chill down the spines of the vampires.

"Nice to see you all again." The two twins spoke in unison. "Or maybe not."

Ryder then thrust his hand out and watched as the coffee table their feet were on went flying across the room. The papers and star cups that had been resting upon them went flying as well, either scattering around the room or shattering if they were breakable and fragile.

The other twin then flicked his wrist outward and the chair and side table next to the couch went flying to the right side of the room. Both of them broke from the impact.

"What the hell..." Rebekah muttered. She didn't think that the eldest twins were witches.

But they weren't.

Maverick clicked his tongue as he stood up from where he was sitting. "Very fitting terminology actually." He mused with boredom laced within his tone.

"We must ask you to leave." Elijah told the two boys, making Ryder stand up as well, taking his place by his brother.

Ryder completely disregarded the words said. "You hurt our mom." He told them, his voice growing dark.

"We did nothing of the sort." Elijah retorted.

A fake sad look crossed Ryder's face, before he lightly shook his head back and forth. "No one likes a liar, Elijah."

"What the bloody hell are you all talking about?" Rebekah exclaimed.

"You went into our mom's head." Maverick began. His eyes drifted towards the Mikaelson witch. "No doubt forcing your long lost sister to do so, by....threatening to kill her wife." He deduced. "And then I'm assuming that you snapped the necks of Kol and Marcel....and by the blood around Aunt Vina's mouth, you threatened to snap her neck and make her a vampire...."

Ryder began to mockingly clap. "What a stand up show of familial love."

"And Elijah...making our mother relive every single one of her memories means that you hurt her." Maverick sneered at him.

"Leave this house now!" Klaus yelled at the two of them.

The two boys looked at each other with knowing glances before they turned back towards the group of them. "No, I don't think we will." They spoke in unison again.

Klaus began to speak again, but was interrupted by the older twin.

"What is it with you all thinking you can do whatever and you all want whenever you all want?" Maverick asked them.

"Leave this house right now or we will kill you." Klaus threatened them again.

Maverick and Ryder disappeared from their line of sight before reappearing again. This time Maverick was standing between Klaus and Elijah. His hands were in their chests, tightly gripping their hearts. Ryder had followed in the same fashion, except his hands wrapped around Rebekah and Hayley's hearts.

"Now, now, now. No need to be rash." Ryder taunted.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) i am very happy with this update and i can't wait for you all to see what i have planned for the next few chapters. sorry for typos.

also i made a homecoming mum today and it was so much fun to do.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you 3000<33

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