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flirting & almost foreplay?~~~~~

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flirting & almost foreplay?

Klaus was in the car driving home with his daughter in the car. His knuckles were turning white at how tight his hands were wrapped around the wheels. He was trying to reign in his anger.

But was failing miserably.

" Dad, what's wrong?" Hope questioned.

However, Klaus didn't even hear what she had to say. His mind was too wrapped up in the fact that Anastasia had supposedly moved on.

Sure, he had had Cami and Aurora when he was away. But how could Anastasia do the same thing to him?

It wasn't fair.

Especially with that no good, low life. Out of all the people in the world.

Why him?

"Dad!" His name was called again.

This time he finally snapped out of it and looked towards his daughter.

"I've been calling your name for the past three minutes...what's wrong?" Hope asked him.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Klaus brushed her off.

"But dad-"

"No buts, Hope." He snapped at her, causing her to slink back into the passenger seat.

What did she do wrong?


Hope crashed onto her bed when she got home in defeated. She had tried talking to her father again, only to be brushed off and then he walked off into his art room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Hope had then tried to talk to her mother. But she had decided to go on a date with Elijah rather than spending time with her.

She had also tried to talk to the rest of her family.

Rebekah needed to go clothes shopping, which confused Hope greatly, seeing as her aunt had been complaining about shopping earlier in the day.
Freya and Keelin were back in New Orleans visiting Vincent.

Then there was Kol, Davina, and Marcel.

They had talked to her. They had kept her company. They made her feel like she mattered.

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