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the original mother's first love

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the original mother's first love


They saw a grown up Anastasia once again. She was wearing a dress from an era before the Mikaelson siblings had been born. Her hair was wavy as it fell to her waist; the top half tied up in the back into an intricate braid. She looked genuinely happy as she tanned through what seemed to be the woods.

However, she stopped in her tracks as she heard the pleas of a woman as she heard chanting.

"Witches." She grumbled as she ran towards the area that she heard the houses coming from. When she approached it, she saw a beautiful woman with long blonde hair with a blurred face, wearing magic binding handcuffs as a group of three other witches were chanting.

Annoyed, Anastasia appeared in front of the witches with her hand raised in the air, making their chanting to cease. "Leave." She commanded.

The Mikaelsons then watched as a glazed look fell over the witches' eyes. As they scurried off, a smirk crossed over Anastasia's face. She then turned towards the blonde witch and broke the handcuffs off of her and let them fall to the ground in pieces.

Out of gratitude, the blonde threw her arms around the angel, pulling her into a hug. But she then quickly pulled away. "Sorry. I'm sorry. I just...thank you so much." The witch thanked her.

"Us girls have to stick together." Anastasia said with a small smile. "My name is Anastasia. It's nice to meet you even under such awful circumstances."

"Esther." The woman spoke as the face of their mother was revealed.

The memory then faded out.

"She knew our mother?" Rebekah questioned, hoping that Kol would answer.

Kol didn't answer what his sister was asking.

"Kol. I believe our sister asked you a question." Elijah said in a demanding tone.

"Oh dear! Did she? I must not have heard?" Kol responded back, sarcastically.

The memory then continued as it faded back into view.

The first thing that they saw was the two women underneath a thin white sheet, out of breath. Both of their hair was a mess and lips were swollen as their chests heaved up and down underneath the sheet.

"That shouldn't have happened." Esther spoke, breaking the silence.

"That's what you've said every single time it has." Anastasia quipped, causing Esther to plant a kiss on the angel's lips.

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