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kisses & betrayal

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kisses & betrayal


12 years ago...

Anastasia had once again materialized out of thin air, much to the shock of Sam and Dean. However, this time when she looked over she didn't see a hoard of demons like last time. This time, she saw one of the demons that she had brought up from Hell on one of her trips. She then saw the two Winchesters tied up and beaten. No doubt the doing of one of her favorite demons.

"My darling, Anastasia. What can I do for you?" A British voice sounded through her ears.

"Crowley..." Anastasia greeted. She was happy to see him; however, she wasn't a fan of the torture he was inflicting upon the two men.

Sure, the angel didn't care too much for the two of them, but her uncle did. Plus, she had strict rules for Crowley when she allowed him to come to earth with her. One of them was not hurting humans.

"Are you serious?" She then asked, sparing a glance at the two brothers. Her gaze lingering on the older one longer before she looked back at Crowley.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Crowley replied with a shit-eating grin.

"Let them go." She told him.

However, nothing happened.

Anastasia was running on little sleep. She had been taking care of her six children and it was exhausting. Maybe that's why she was so grumpy. And why she had little to no patience when it came to things like these. Maybe that was why she slammed Crowley against a wall, constricting his air flow.

"I wasn't asking." Anastasia taunted. Her voice was stern and demanding. Her eyes had flashed to their red irises in a sea of pitch black.

And then Crowley disappeared.

"Fucking annoying stupid demons." The petite angel muttered. "That's what you get for bringing him to earth, you stupid bitch." She continued to mutter as she walked over to Sam and Dean and freed them from their restraints.

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