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the evil uncle


Two weeks.

It had been two weeks that Anastasia and her family had lived blissfully content with their lives. That and the fact of every loved one fawning over the new addition to the family, Silas.

Currently, Anastasia was sitting in the Mystic Grill, eating waffles. Silas was in a baby carrier next to her on the booth. He was peacefully sleeping, completely oblivious to the fact that he was no longer in his home, happily sleeping in his crib.

As she sat eating her food and glancing at her baby to make sure he was okay, she saw one of her best friends walk into the establishment, along with his wife and his older sister and her wife.

A smile immediately appeared on the young Mikaelsons face as soon as he saw his best friend. He headed over towards her, only to have his attention drawn towards the little sleeping child in the carrier next to her.

Kol's gaze was fixed on the child as his wife then spoke up. "Hi." Davina greeted the angel, who had previously been practically stuffing her face full of waffles and syrup.

"Hey, D." Anastasia greeted the witch in response. She then glanced up at her best friend, who was staring at Silas with a horrified expression. "He's not going to kill you, Kol."

"But it's so tiny and all squishy looking." Kol replied, ignoring what she had said, not wanting to admit that he was moderately afraid of the small child.

"He's a baby, Kol....what do you expect?" She retorted, readjusting the blanket that was covering him.

"What's his name?" Freya asked Anastasia, making the angel smile at the witch. She was more than happy that Freya and her wife had finally got free of the Mikaelsons and their claws.

"Silas Samuel Winchester-Morningstar."

Kol snorted, "You named him after an evil witch?"

"And best friend, so yes."


Anastasia walked through the front door of her home. She set Silas in the crib that was in her bedroom, before she got a call from an unknown caller. She clicked to accept the call and immediately froze when she heard the voice of the other end.

"Michael?" She questioned.

"Nice of you to remember me, little one."


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a/n: hello lovelies:) another short update i know, but I am going to get back to normal length soon i promise. my mouth hurts and lowkey just want to take advil and sleep, so yeah.

stay safe. love you lots<333

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