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the damn spell

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the damn spell


Anastasia was now around five months pregnant. She had a noticeable baby bump as she exited her office near the end of the lunch period, in hopes of talking to her children.

But her hopes got cut short when she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.


A few minutes prior to the accident...

"Don't make me do this." Freya pleaded with her brother. 

Some things that he asked her to do was more than she had bargained for when she was accepted into her family. And especially after the news she had received about Klaus and his unjust treatment, it was safe to say that she didn't want to do jack shit for him.

She got no response, before she looked around at all her siblings. All of them stood there silent, besides Kol and Marcel who had their necks snapped as they were laying on the floor. Then there was Davina, who was kneeling next to her husband glaring at Klaus. And as much as she wanted magic to stop him, Elijah had forced her to drink her blood and if she interfered he would snap her neck.

Her family had really gotten out of hand.

And it was pissing the witch off to no end.

"It's an invasion of privacy! You all have no right to ask me to do this!" Freya yelled at them in disbelief. Did they really not care about the consequences if they got what they wanted?

"Please Freya." Rebekah begged her. "We've missed so much."

"And who's fault is that?" Freya snarked back at her sister. "I still won't do it." She added on after a few moments of silence.

Klaus's eyes flashed amber as he sped over to Keelin and wrapped his hands around her neck. One movement and her neck would be snapped and she would be dead...

"Do what is asked of you, sister....or you'll become a widow faster than you can blink." Klaus threatened her.

Freya stared at her wife, who had tears in her eyes. And the blonde witch, no doubt had tears gathering in her eyes as well.

"Nik, please!!" Freya begged him. 

She was finally happy. 

After all those years with her aunt Dahlia and all the wars she had been fighting in New Orleans, she was finally happy. She was married to the woman she loved. And she and her wife had talked to their witch friend, Vincent, in New Orleans about his offer to be the father to their children. It was the happiest both women had been in a long time. Married and with the possibility of having a child. What more could they have wanted?

And now all that was being put on the line and Freya was torn about what to do.

"Make one move or chant a spell...and she's dead." Klaus reminded his older sister as he kept a deathly grip on the werewolf's neck.

Freya looked at her remaining siblings that weren't dead on the floor, but she got no help from them as they merely averted their eyes from her, looking anywhere but at the scene that was unfolding. She shook her head in disbelief at their actions.

"Stop!! Please, stop!!" Freya screamed once she saw Klaus's eyes return back to their yellow-gold color. "I'll do it!!...I'll do your damn spell!!"

"Glad you made the right choice." Klaus mused with a smug smirk on his face. But he still made no move to let go of Keelin, which worried the blonde witch.

"I'll do the spell to show you all her memories....just please...please...let her go."



Anastasia had exited her office. She had got some news about a development in the letters and threats she was getting towards her and her family and she had intended to tell her kids. She wanted them to be aware of what was going on so they didn't get caught off guard if something came at them.

Something Michael related...

However, as she was walking down the hallway, she began to feel lightheaded and dizzy as a ringing noise began sounding in her head.

Before she could do anything about it, she collapsed onto the hallway floor, unconscious and in pain, not being able to here the screams of her kids and other family.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) i'll probably end up updating again. things are just beginning to get good. i am keeping up my promise and updating all the stories that ya'll requested, if there are any others you all want, please post them on the message board and i will be happy to fulfill your requests.

my baby freya is not going to invade annie's privacy willingly because i don't feel like it really fits her character at all, you know, plus it adds to the story later on.

thank you all so much for 200k+ reads!!! just earlier today when i woke up we were at seriously thank you so fucking much.

what memories do you all want to see?

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

love you lots<333 stay safe

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