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the first murderer

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the first murderer


21 years ago...

Anastasia sat in a bar drinking. The music was blaring as she sat with four empty whiskey bottles around her, along with a very large portion of chips and guacamole in front of her.

Behind her she could hear the drunken laughter of college boys. Looking over, she saw a group of what looked like frat boys. All of them had the same look; sandy blonde fluffy hair, tall, and looked like they grew up on daddy's money.

A smirk made its way to her face as she decided to mess with the group. She slipped off her suit jacket and placed it on the counter. She then tousled up her hair, messed up her button up shit, and slightly smudged her lipstick. She then grabbed her beer glass and headed over to the boys.

As soon as she got there, their line of vision immediately went to her chest. For the moment being, she acted like she didn't notice.

"What's up, baby?" One of them asked. Anastasia had to physically refrain from hitting him or giving him a stern talking to.

A flirty smile made its way to her face. "Can I play the next round?" She asked them, slightly slurring her words together.

"You got money?" Another asked. She had to admit that he was the most attractive out of the group; however, he was too young for her.


"Mhm." She hummed, pulling out a purposely crumbled wad of cash. She pulled out a hundred and placed it on the table where the other money was.

"Damn..." One of them whispered.

"So can I play?"


Anastasia had downed seven more beers since she had been playing. She lost the first round on purpose. She then lost the second round on purpose as well. Blaming her mistakes on being drunk and laughing them off.

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