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the beginning of it all~~~~~

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the beginning of it all

The tension inside the Mikaelson Mansion could be cut with a butter knife or more like a really dull rusty old saw.

Half the family were tormenting entitled  bastards, while the other half was just trying to do good by a family that has done nothing to them, but getting blackmailed to do otherwise.

Davina and Keelin's lives were threatened.  Kol and Marcel had got their necks snapped, plain and simple.

The two of them and the two witches could have easily taken on the family, but they had been a caught off guard and now they were either out of commission or had leverage of a death of a loved one held over them preventing them from doing so.

Klaus hadn't let go of Keelin as Freya began chanting the spell, insisting that he didn't believe his sister to follow through on her news of the bargain. And Elijah remained behind Davina in case she tried to do anything, with every intention of snapping her neck if she did something.

Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and Hayley were going to get what they wanted regardless of the pain that they were causing others.

Just like always.

Freya finished the spell and a bright light clouded everyone's senses, even the family members were temporarily rendered dead on the flooring on the house—because it was most certainly not a home.


"Where the bloody hell are we?" Was the first thing that flew out of Kol's mouth as he noticed they were in a dark black hallway with dark black and crimson doors lining the sides of it, stretching out endlessly both ways.

"We are in Anaatasia's memories." Freya responded, preparing for him to blow up at her.

"And why the bloody hell are we here?" He yelled at her.

"Because Klaus was going to kill Keelin and Davina if I didn't." She told him as she sent a worried glance to her wife, who was still in the grasp of her brother.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Kol yelled at them all, looking at his wife who had blood smeared around her mouth and a fearful look in her eyes as Elijah held her in place.

Before Elijah or anyone could make a move, Davina was in Kol's arms crying.

"You try to touch her again and I will need you all." He spat at them, pissed off that they were going to take his wife away from him.

"Are you seriously going to let them do this? Threaten Keelin and Davina? Invade her nineties memories like that?" Marcel asked his wife in disbelief.

Rebekah looked away from Marcel, avoiding his gaze at all costs.

"You are not the woman that I fell in love with." Marcel told her, distancing himself from the blonde vampire and going closer to Davina and Kol, who at the current moment was his favorite Mikaelson.

Never in a million years did he think that was going to happen.

"Let her go. I have done what you asked." Freya pleaded with her younger brother.

"I'm afraid she'll be staying there, next to me, so you don't try to go and play hero." Klaus told her.

"You sick bastards!!!" Marcel yelled at them all, his eyes flaring red.  But he knew if he made one move, his friend was going to be dead in Klaus arms before he could help her.

"Just pick a goddamn door and after I will kill you all, if Stasi doesn't beat me to it!!" Kol threatened them.

Rebekah opened one of the doors right next to them. It was the only door with any white on it. The top was white and it quickly faded into gray and black.


A loud authoritative voice boomed throughout the memory.

"Children were never meant to be born after angels were created!! It was only ever meant to be all of you, not anymore!!  That child was never meant to be born!!" The voice yelled at someone.

"You can't blame me for this, dad!" They saw Lucifer yell back at the unknown voice. A small dark haired brunette child clinging onto his hand.

"If you didn't want us to have children, then you wouldn't have allowed her to be born and you know that!! But she's here and she's alive and because I try to prevent you from hurting her, I'm the evil one?!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

Before Lucifer could say anything else, the man interrupted him.

"You and that daughter of yours will pay for your actions." They told him.

Lucifer and the small child glowed a bright white before they disappeared from before the man and other people that had been surrounding them.

The memory then faded from the bright white to a dark and gloomy gray place, where ashes were falling from the gray abyss of sky.

Tears were running down the child's pale cheeks as she cried. Lucifer was crouched in front of her as he pulled her into a hug.

"Daddy, where are we?" She sobbed into his chest.


a/n: hello lovelies:) the first memory has happened

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a/n: hello lovelies:) the first memory has happened. lucifer led the rebellion for his daughter in this story cuz dear old dad didn't want his kids to have kids. i had to change the reasoning bc luci would never hurt his daughter intentionally yk.

sorry for typos if there are any.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<333

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