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nighty night~~~~~

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nighty night

"Oh, but I do."

Freya began chanting a spell, thinking that it would all be over with a simple pain infliction spell or sleep spell.

And for a moment they all thought it was working.

Anastasia keeled over in 'pain' as she gripped the sides of her head as she groaned in pain. But then she stood up and rolled her red eyes.

"I have been around a long time, Freya. You are going to have to try harder than that." Anastasia taunted. She then snapped her fingers and everyone watched as the witch's body collapsed to the ground.

"Nighty night." Anastasia mocked as her eyes briefly flickered down towards the blonde witch and then  up towards the rest of the family.

"Oh stop looking at me like I just kicked a puppy, she's just sleeping."

Keelin didn't care for what the brunette had to say.All she was focused was on the fact that the woman had hurt her wife and the wolf in her couldn't stand for that.

Her eyes flashed amber as she went to lunge for Anastasia.

However, Anastasia merely sighed in boredom as she barely waved her hand and Keelin collapsed onto the ground right next to her wife.

Dean was standing where there was a dent  in the wall, leaning against it silently, watching his wife with a proud grin. He was happy that she was finally getting to express her emotions and repressed anger towards the family. And that she was torturing them back like Klaus had to him during the day.

Rebekah and Elijah immediately got defensive over their two family members and sped towards Anastasia with their vampire faces on display.

Before they could even attack her, she grabbed them by their necks and slammed them down into the ground, forming sizable holes in the hardwood flooring. as the air was knocked out of them.  The wood splintered all around them, many pieces embedding into their backs.

"You can't beat me, my lovelies." She told them, mockingly patting the side of their faces as fake condolences.

As she had been distracted by the two vampires, Klaus had been given the opportunity to go for Dean.

He really hasn't learned his lesson, has he?

But just like before, Anastasia appeared next to her husband, intercepting Klaus from his pitiful attempt at an attack.

With one finger only, she then tapped the hybrid's chest and watched him fly across the room into the wall and steiger through it. He then tumbled to the ground as debris from the large hole in the wall collapsed on top of it.

The rest of the Mikaelsons gaped at the pure strength Anastasia seemed to possess.

How had she done that with one finger only, not a hand, but a finger?

What the hell was she?

Was she actually a vampire?

The angel planted a quick kiss to her husband's check before stepping through the hole in the wall and over the body that was groaning in pain.

Elijah, who had finally recovered, was immediately to the rescue to protect his brother. He sped towards Anastasia.


It seemed he also hadn't learned his lesson.
But this time instead of being stopped, she disappeared from his line of vision entirely, before she then reappeared out of thin air in a completely different place in the yard.

Hayley, in a feeble attempt to help, thought she could sneak up behind the angel. Instead of anything happening to Anastasia, Hayley was tossed across the yard and slammed into the wall of the outer part of the mansion, collapsing to the ground, coughing.

All the Mikaelsons were now groaning in pain on the floor, yet they still didn't look like they were giving up anytime soon.

And that fact made Anastasia very happy.

"How did you do that? How do you have so much power if you are a just turned vampire? You are too strong for one." Rebekah asked from where she was seated on the ground, holding her side waiting for it to heal.

Anastasia's eyes snapped over to her as the angel then tilted her head. Her black and red eyes narrowed as she stared at Rebekah.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"


a/n: hello lovelies :) update for you before  i sleep since school and shit

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a/n: hello lovelies :) update for you before  i sleep since school and shit. hope you enjoy this.

there will be more confrontation and yelling and different powers displayed in future fight chapters that should be here in the next few days.

and as much as i would love to kill klaus, anastasia isn't that cruel to take away hopes father from her. that idea wouldn't work for her character, seeing as she knows how much it hurt athena and astrid not to have a father.

please don't be silent reader. vote and comment.

stay safe. love you lots<3

night sweethearts

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