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{outfit for chapter above}

{outfit for chapter above}

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wonder twins


The next day, Anastasia awoke grumpy.

Maybe it was because she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe it was because she missed her husband. Or maybe, the most likely option, was that a family she never wanted to see again decided to pop back into town and had already annoyed the fuck out of her in a span of one and half hours.

But hey, at least it was the weekend.

She reluctantly left the comfort of her bed. Sending a longing look at her mountain of pillow and blankets, she then trudged to the bathroom that was connected to her room.

Her still sleepy gaze drifted towards the mirror mounted on the gray colored wall. She looked exhausted. Her eyes were puffy and dark circles were underneath them. Then she looked at her hair. It was also a disaster. At least that was an easier fix then the other disasters that were her appearance for the day.

Sighing, she turned on the water for shower. She then slipped off the dark gray oversized shirt she had been wearing. It was her husband's. Anastasia always tended to sleep in one of his shirts or sweatshirts, especially when he was away. With how much she missed him, being around the small of him made it a little less painful being separated from the love of her life.

She then slipped off her undergarments, before tossing both the shirt and underwear into the hamper. She then stepped into the shower and washed and conditioned her hair. Then she rinsed off her body, before turning the water off and stepping out the shower.

After drying off, she slipped on her outfit for the day. It was still her classic professional look she tended to go for, but instead it had a more casual spin on, seeing as she had matching shorts rather than her normal pants.

Now that she was dressed, she had to fix her wrecked appearance. She probably should have cared more, but instead she just applied some concealer, mascara, highlighter, and blush. Then she just towel dried her and was going to let it dry as she went throughout her day.

Returning to her room, she collapsed back onto her bed. Then she took her phone off the nightstand and looked at the messages. A smile made its way to her face when she did so.


Good morning, sweetheart. I love you and miss you and the kids.


I love you too. I can't wait till you come home...

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