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the original vampire best friend

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the original vampire best friend


Klaus, with Keelin still in his hold, was the next one to open one of the doors. This one was completely white with only a few specks of black and gray upon it.

That meant it had to be a good memory, right?


Anastasia was sitting on the ground against a tree and looked to be asleep from what the Mikaelsons could see. However, one of them knew that she was not asleep...or that she wouldn't be in a few moments.

"I can feel you standing there." They heard her comment. She then turned her head to look at the person to reveal a Kol Mikaelson leaning against another tree, but he was standing up.

He was in an outfit that looked to be from the era when they were still humans. He was also adorned in the hairstyle from that era as well.

"You look familiar." Anastasia commented, not knowing why he did.

"That's the first two things you say to someone?" Kol questioned.

"Indeed it is." Anastasia said, looking up at the man. "And the third thing I would have to that your hair is dreadful."

Kol watched the interaction with a fond smile on his face. He remembered this day like it was yesterday--the day that he met Anastasia for the first time

"You know, most women are frowned upon for speaking like that."

"And yet, I do not care." Anastasis retorted and watched as he sat down on the ground as well.

Kol snorted at what she said. "Are you ever going to tell me your name?"

"Anastasia." She replied.


"Morningstar." She finished off.

Kol's eyebrows furrowed together, a crease forming between them. "Like the Devil?" He questioned,

"Not exactly. More like his daughter."

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