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congratulations are in order

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congratulations are in order


"Stupid trains." Anastasia muttered as she walked into her room and collapsed onto the bed, not minding the questions she was receiving from her husband for the time being.

Before she made her way to her bedroom, the angel had made sure that both Josie and Lizzie were okay and that they were okay being alone for the night. Even though they had said they were and that they were fine, Anastasia was pretty positive that they were going to come to her room in the middle of the night, joining their married couple and their baby sister, who had already been spending her nights in the room, seeing as she was too scared to be alone.

She had also checked on Alaric, who was more worried for his two daughters than anything else, as well as the fact that Anastasia had let herself get hit by a train full force when she was pregnant.

Yes, he knew it wasn't going to do anything to her, seeing as she was virtually indestructible and the only person who could actually inflict pain on her was Dean and no one else, but it didn't mean that the immortal witch wasn't worried shitless about his best friend and her unborn baby.

"What do you mean by train?" Dean asked, lying besides his wife, who instinctively put her head on his chest and cuddled up next to him.

Anastasia sighed, "Whoever sent the letter, hurt Ivy, and tried to hurt the kids, went after Ric, Josie, and Lizzie."

"Are they okay?" Dean asked, frantically. 

"Yeah...." Anastasia trailed off and then paused, "I sort of had to stop a train from hitting them, but they are okay."

"And you stopped it, how?" Dean questioned her, raising an eyebrow.

"I tried everything else, but something was stopping me from preventing it from hitting them, so I protected them and let it hit me instead." She explained, the last part of her sentence getting quieter, fearing for Dean's reaction.

"You let yourself get hit by a train?!" He exclaimed, slightly sitting up.

"Of course I did." Anastasia replied, matter of fact. "I would do anything for my kids and Ric." She told him.

Dean sighed, knowing that it was the truth. "Just please try to refrain from doing it in the future."

"I'll try." She mumbled, burying herself further into his side as she drifted off to sleep.


"Annie." Dean said as he gently shook her awake.

"Go's too early." She mumbled, pulling the comforter over her head.

"Sweetheart, it's five in the afternoon." Dean told her. "You've been asleep all night and then all day."

"I guess that's what happens when you get hit by a train and are pregnant, angel or not." She stated, still tired, not bothering to get up from the almost suffocating mountain of blankets and pillows.

"If you get up, I have a surprise for you."

This immediately caught the sleepy angel's attention. She popped her head out from underneath the blankets. "What is it?" She asked, curiously. Her eyes full of excitement as a small grin made its way to her face.

"Get up and get dressed and then I'll show you."

And just like that, Anastasia was up and out of bed, getting ready faster than Dean had ever seen.


"Where are we going, Dean?" Anastasia asked for the millionth time.

Much to her dismay, she couldn't see where her husband was leading her, due to the blindfold he had put over her eyes. All she knew was that they had driven somewhere in the car and now he was guiding her somewhere so she wouldn't trip.

"It's a surprise." Dean responded in a smug tone, knowing that he had been giving her the same answer each time she had asked the question.

Anastasia whined in annoyance. "How much longer?" She questioned, growing impatient.

Dean didn't answer, instead, he removed the blindfold, finally allowing her to see where he had taken her.

They were inside of the Mystic Grill, townspeople were eating in separate parts of it, and in the middle of the room was a large table decorated with shades of pink and blue. On the table were different types of food and a rather large pink, blur, and white tiered cake. Pink and blue balloons were also scattered on and around the table. The last thing that caught her attention was the massive banner suspended above the table with the word "Congratulations!" printed across it.

Many familiar people that she recognized then popped out from different parts of the Grill, making a hand cover her mouth in shock.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!" They all chorused.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) triple update. it is also kind of a short chapter. sorry. also i know all of you want drama, but i need to give the poor family a happy moment for a change...hahaha...there is going to be drama anyway during it.

sorry if there are typos or mistakes. last update for the night btw.

also, i don't know if ya'll noticed but i have been beginning to leave some clues in previous chapters about who the father is of maverick and ryder. i'll continue dropping hints until i finally reveal who it is. i am just wanting to see if anyone can figure it out before then.

thank you for a 86k+ reads!!! like wow!! thank you all so fucking much!!

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE, COMMENT, AND GIVE IDEAS.

stay safe. love you bunches<3

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