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Anastasia stared down at the desiccated body of Elijah Mikaelson as the sounds of Hayley and Rebekah screaming rang through her ears. She tilted her head slightly as she raked her eyes up and down his suited body as an unnerving feeling passed through her. She scrunched up her nose realizing that she didn't sense that he was fully dead.

Guess the lore about removing their heart was wrong.

She waved her hand and watched as his body caught on fire. The wispy red and orange flames raged on before they turned black and gray, encasing the entirety of his body. They then soon disappeared, leaving nothing but the ashes of his burnt body on the couch.

She then saw the looks that she was receiving from the other Mikaelsons, which made her shrug her shoulders. "What? I had to make sure he was actually dead." She replied, nonchalantly, as if she didn't just kill someone they loved.

"You're a monster!!" Hayley seethed at the woman who raised her.

"No, sweetheart. I'm not." Anastasia replied. "But he was."

"No he wasn't." The woman argued back.

"He went after an innocent child. He worked alongside my uncle! He worked alongside the same man who nearly got three, now four of my children killed!! The same man that almost got my best friend killed!!" Anastasia yelled at her, losing her cool.

"Any kind of person who would work with Michael of all people deserves to be dead. He compelled other vampires to do his bidding, those vampires killed my husband and took my child, so I killed him. Do I care that I did? No. Am I a monster for what I did? No. Did he deserve what happened to him? Yes."

"He didn't deserve to die!!!" Hayley continued to protest.

"And what would you have done if it were Hope?"

Her question was met with silence.

"Exactly." Anastasia mused before she exited the house with one worrying thought in her mind.

What the hell was she supposed to tell Kol?


Anastasia sat outside her house after she had sent a quick message to her best friend and told him to meet her here. The whole time she was waiting, she paced back and forth on the grassy lawn as she chewed on her bottom lip, dreading his reaction.

When she had killed Elijah, all she could think about was what he had done with Michael to hurt Silas. And now that she had finally come to think of her actions, she realized how it would affect others that she cared about.

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